All News

06:13 NEWS Al-Tabqa people consider Russia ,Turkey responsible of massacres against Afrin people
05:47 SOCIETY - LIFE "Akito" ancient cultural heritage, occupiers tried to smelt
05:47 WORLD-Middle East French media critical of Turkey's response to Elysee mediation
05:47 NEWS 30 members joined Military Discipline Units
05:31 NEWS : fully prepared to returned to Afrin to fight against occupation
04:40 NEWS Yezidi genocide by Turkish mercenaries in Afrin
04:39 NEWS He lives in hope of returning to his land, trees
04:20 NEWS Turkey uses water to fight North Syria people
31 March 2018
16:29 KURDISTAN Graduation party for 30 students from Tal Hamis
15:58 WORLD-Middle East Palestinian "Grand Return" marches continue , 25 wounded on second day
15:47 NEWS People of Qamishlo recall martyrs of March
15:38 POLITICS "Duplicity of so-called National Council appeared clearly in Afrin"
14:43 NEWS Martyrs’ families: We reject strangers, traitors to manage Afrin
14:37 NEWS YBŞ:Threats of Turkish state are declaration of new genocide against Şengal
14:05 WOMAN Russia changes Syria's demographic
13:11 SOCIETY - LIFE Distribution aid provided by al-Jazeera region , Red Crescent of Kurdistan
12:43 WORLD-Middle East Book about "Minorities" of Middle East entitled "Proud souls"
11:55 POLITICS TEV-DEM congratulates Assyrian people on occasion of "Akido" holiday
11:43 NEWS Victims' number increased in Gaza
11:19 WORLD-Middle East Russia asks: Where does Jabhat al-Nasra  take arms?
10:59 POLITICS Solidarity stand in al-Tabqa to support resistance of age
10:37 NEWS Syriac Union Party congratulates Christians on Akito holiday
09:55 NEWS Through using Kurds , occupation aims to fallacy international community
09:54 NEWS 7 gangs killed in Shara district by qualitve operation
09:06 NEWS 26 aid trucks to Afrin Afrin reach al-Shahba canton
09:04 NEWS Two local organizations distribute food baskets in al-Jarniya countyside
08:53 NEWS With cooperation of Parents .... Dismanlting 2 explosive in Manbij
08:45 NEWS Al-Zatari: Number of displaced in Afrin exceeds number in al-Ghouta
07:50 NEWS Kurdish people continue their struggle for freedom in commemoration Qadi Mohammed'
07:49 NEWS Record of Asayish forces martyred during Resistance of the age
06:45 NEWS AL-Raqqa Civil Council transfers its works ,offices to al-Raqqa city
06:24 NEWS This is Turkish occupation intention of its points in Idlib
06:23 NEWS AL-Hasakah people bid farewell martyr Azad to al-Tabqa
04:13 SOCIETY - LIFE Afrin municipality activated in al-Shahba providing services
03:20 NEWS 30 mercenaries killed in special operation in Shera

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