Syriac Union Party congratulates Christians on Akito holiday

The Union of the Syriac Party congratulated the Feast of Akito on all the Christians of the world, wishing the good, love and peace for all peoples.

Syriac Union Party congratulates Christians on Akito holiday
31 March 2018   10:37

NEWS DESK - The Syrian Union Party issued a statement congratulating the glorious Easter holiday "Akito" on the surveyors and said this holiday, which falls on the first of April of each year carries with it the renewal of nature and the new emission of life.

The text of the statement:

"On the occasion of the coming of the Assyrian Babylonian New Year, we offer our Assyrian Syriac people and the people of Syria a warm welcome. This holiday, which falls on April 1 of each year, comes with all its meanings and symbols at the beginning of a new year. For life is one of the great values created by our people for thousands of years in the house of Nahrin and we still maintain and renew them every day and every new year and give through this continuity between the past and present.

We have suffered many years of wars, killings and displacement. Our people have lived in Syria and have been able to endure all these difficulties, which are still ongoing, threatened by its existence and continuity. Therefore, on this occasion, with all the signs and spirit of this holiday, there must be a strong will that can stand before these challenges and make its way towards proving the right of this people. To live on his land with dignity, freedom and safety alongside other components shared by pain and hope.

The Syriac Union Party Since the first day of its inception, it has been following its basic principles, for which it was founded in defending the rights of Syriac Assyrian people in Syria and reaching a secular democratic state that guarantees freedom and rights for all its components and achieves equal citizenship. What is happening in the Syrian arena today is more war, killing and mass displacement of defenseless civilians. The last scene of this is what happened in Afrin as a result of the Turkish occupation. Therefore, we demand the return of all migrants to their cities and villages and to ensure protection and protection. And not to impose any agenda on them and to move away from the policy of demographic change, which is the planting of long-term differences and must work to devote the acceptance of the other and the concept of coexistence and building the nation on the basis of pluralism that characterizes.

Congratulations to all our people on the occasion of the feast of Akito, and we extend our congratulations to all Christians in the world on the occasion of the Easter holiday with our heartfelt wishes that these holidays bring with them the good, love and peace for all .