Afrin municipality activated in al-Shahba providing services

The people’s municipality of Afrin that has been activated in Tel Qerah village in al-Shahba canton works on providing the main services and requirements for Afrin people who forcibly displaced their homes because of the bombardment of the Turkish occupation.

Afrin municipality activated in al-Shahba providing services
31 March 2018   04:13


AFRIN- After looking around the situation of Afrin people who exited their homes in the result of the bombardment of the Turkish occupation’s warplanes, and headed towards al-Shahba canton, and in an effort to provide them with main services, the people’s municipality of Afrin canton formed its center in Tel Qerah village in Ahras district in al-Shahba canton.

8 members are working in the municipality that has been formed recently, and special committees specialized to the municipality have been formed, and the most important of them; the service committees and the communes.

After the municipality has been activated, the members started their work soon as they provided a number of main services and requirements to the people starting from extending electricity grids in the village that covers 600 families, employing the water tanks to serve the people and providing them with bread at no coast reaching to providing them with the main necessities and helps; households, blankets and others.

The municipality also activated the cleanliness section that works within an official shift starting from 8 am till 2 pm.

Within this, the co-chair of the people’s municipality in Tel Qerah village Heydar Agid pointed out, “After the people who displaced their homes in the result of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries’ attacks came to Tel Qerah village, they faced daily problems such as lacking electricity, water and bakeries.”

Haydar added, “The members of the municipality who were working in Afrin have activated a municipality in Tel Qerah village, and they started their service works soon for helping the people.”

In the conclusion, the co-chair of the people’s municipality in Tel Qerah village Haydar Agid said, “The municipality provides water, bread, amps to the people freely.”