HPG carries out 4 operations, killing 5 Turkish occupation soldiers

The People's Defense Forces announced that the Martyr Axîn Mûş unit carried out 4 air operations against the Turkish occupation army, which resulted in the killing of 5 soldiers and the destruction of a Kirby armored vehicle.

HPG carries out 4 operations, killing 5 Turkish occupation soldiers
5 July 2024   13:21

Today, the Media Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) issued a statement regarding the Martyr Axîn Mûş unit carrying out 4 air operations, which read:

The Martyr Axîn Mûş unit was established in commemoration of the guerrilla commander Axîn Mûş, a member of the Leadership Council of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) and the Free Women’s Units - Star (YJA-Star) and commander of the Immortal Battalion and Amed Region. The Martyr Axîn Mûş unit carried out 4 different air operations.

On July 4, 2024, the Martyr Axîn Mûş unit targeted the occupiers who wanted to station themselves in Serkil  Square, which carried out two air operations against the occupiers as they gathered, and operation targeting a Kirby armored vehicle, and another operation targeting ammunition belonging to the occupiers.

The 4 air operations resulted in The killing of 5 soldiers from the occupation army, and the destruction of a Kirby armored vehicle and many ammunition.
