Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi

Turkey and its mercenaries killed 18 Syrians in occupied Afrin, Girê Spi/ Tal Abyed, and Serêkaniyê/ Ras al-Ain, during last June, in addition to cases of kidnapping, assault, and seizure of property.

Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi
Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi
Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi
Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi
Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi
Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi
Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi
Turkey and its mercenaries kill 18 Syrians in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi
5 July 2024   04:10

The crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries continue in the occupied areas, including murder, kidnapping, assault, robbery, looting, and trading in the property of people forcibly displaced from their homes. ANHA's agency counted the crimes committed during the month of June, and they were as follows:

June 1

 In the occupied city of al-Bab in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo, Turkish occupation mercenaries opened fire on two young men, wounding one of them in the stomach and the other in the hand.

June 4

The mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state, the “civil police,” kidnapped citizens. The elderly Hanan Hasakah (65 years old) is a resident of the village of Miska in the city of Janders in occupied Afrin, and Mohammad Horo (58 years old) is a resident of the village of Frereya, from the city of Janders.

The mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state, the Levant Front, kidnapped the citizen, Tamam Safour (46 years old), in occupied Afrin. Turkey forcibly deported him to the Syrian regions it occupies with its mercenaries, and demanded a financial ransom of 1,500 US dollars from his family in exchange for his release.

The Turkish occupation state authorities forcibly deported 22 people through the Bab al-Salama crossing in the occupied city of Azaz, in a new batch of refugees despite having Kimlik cards in Turkey.

June 5

The Turkish occupation army committed a massacre against 15 migrants, while they were trying to cross the border, in the countryside of Serêkaniyê/ Ras al-Ain, and they were buried in a mass grave. Among them was the young man, Yahya Ahmed Al-Khamis, 23 years old, from the village of Hemo in the countryside of Qamishlo city. ANHA's agency reported his story on June8.

June 6

After their release with a financial ransom, the occupation mercenaries resumed kidnapping the citizens, Suleiman Hikmat, Jano Haji Khorshid, and Muhammad Rashid Haj Omar, in the village of Goran, affiliated with the city of Janders in occupied Afrin.

The mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state set fire to agricultural lands in the villages of Mermin and Annaba, and the fires spread to the lands of the villages of Shuragha, Tatrash, Tanb and Malikiyah, affiliated with the town of Sherawa in the occupied Afrin countryside. Large areas of land were burned.

The mercenaries set fire to the village of Basla, which then moved to the forest of the village of Soganka and fires broke out there.

A settler from the southern countryside of Aleppo sold a house belonging to the citizen Issam Hussein, a resident of the village of Andariyah, in the city of Janders, located on the diesel highway in the city of Afrin, to another settler for $1,500 US dollars. The settler had seized the house after the occupation of Afrin. By the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries, in 2018.

June 7

The "Syrian National Army" mercenaries kidnapped the two citizens. Dalil Hassan Hajji (34 years old), from the village of Baflor in the city of Janders, and Jamal Hayyan (35 years old), from the city of Homs, at a checkpoint near the village of Qastal Jindo in Shara, adjacent to the city of Azaz, after they were deported from Turkey through the Bab al-Salama crossing north of the Azaz city.

Armed men from Ghouta in the Damascus countryside /17/ cut down an olive tree from a field belonging to the citizen Muhammad Sheikh Mous, located behind al-Salam Canteen on the Aleppo Road, northeast of the city of Afrin.

June 8

The mercenaries of the “Hamzat Division” kidnapped the citizen, Taher Mohammad Shukri (54 years old), from the village of Darkir in the city of Mobata in occupied Afrin, while he was heading from the village to the city of Afrin.

- Turkish intelligence and “military police” mercenaries in the city of Rajo kidnapped citizens; Arif Rashid (70 years old), Omar Rashid Salah Ali (43 years old), Izzat Ismail Bilal (58 years old), Muhammad Mustafa Naasan (45 years old), and Ismail Bilal (37 years old), and they are residents of the village of “Kunde Kreh” in the city of Rajo in occupied Afrin.

June 11

A group of 10 people, including a pregnant woman, were severely beaten by the “Turkish gendarmes” while trying to cross the border in the countryside of the occupied city of Serêkaniyê, which led to a number of people sustaining fractures and the pregnant woman having a miscarriage.

The Turkish occupation intelligence kidnapped the lawyer Akram Junaid, who is from Hama Governorate, and who lived in the city of Janders in occupied Afrin, for his talk about the subordination of mercenary leaders to the service of Turkish national security and the passing of the Turkish occupation policies at the expense of the Syrians.

June 13

The Turkish occupation mercenaries kidnapped the citizen Adnan Nami (26 years old), from the village of Ain al-Hajar al-Kabir.

June 15

A mercenary of the Turkish occupation called “Hajj Abu Hisham” attacked the citizen Azad Bilal, a resident of the village of Hajj Khalil in Afrin, and caused damage to an olive oil trading shop owned by his brother Amir Hussein Bilal in the city of Rajo in occupied Afrin, and caused him a wound in his left forearm after being hit with a sharp knife.

June 17

The Turkish occupation mercenaries kidnapped the two brothers, Muhammad Zamji Murad (35 years old) and Faiq Zamji Murad (33 years old), from the people of the town of Kafr Safra, affiliated with the city of Janders in occupied Afrin.

The Turkish occupation mercenaries, the “military police,” kidnapped the citizen, Imad Mustafa Khalil, from the village of Hulila in the city of Raju in occupied Afrin. He had been forcibly deported from Turkish territory, from his home located near the Newroz roundabout in the city of Afrin.

The body of a man in his fifties was found on agricultural land near one of the checkpoints of the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state southwest of the occupied city of Afrin. He was transferred to the city hospital.

June 19

The Turkish occupation seized a residential property belonging to Zainab Muhammad Ahmed (60 years old), a resident of the village of Matina “Al-Duha” in the city of Sharan in the occupied countryside of Afrin, with the aim of converting it into a military barracks for its forces stationed at the Matina village junction, next to the water company building on the Kafr Janna-Bulbul main road. .

June 20

 The Turkish occupation mercenaries kidnapped the citizen, Rizan Mohammad (44 years old), from the village of “Shaktko” in the city of Shia in Afrin, from his home in the Mahmoudiyah neighborhood in the city of Afrin, occupied since 2018 by Turkey and its mercenaries.

The mercenaries of the Turkish occupation army fired live bullets directly at the two young men, Jamal Ali Kulen (26 years old), and Mohammad Walid Alikou (22 years old), who were riding a motorcycle near the Afraza camp, on their way back from the city of Afrin to their home in the village of Darkir. belonging to the city of Mobata, as a result of which Jamal Colin was killed.

The targeting was followed by the kidnapping of the citizen, Bakr Adnan Bakr, a resident of the same village, as he witnessed the targeting, when he was riding his motorcycle behind the two young men, and he was taken to an unknown destination.

- Turkish intelligence and “civilian police” mercenaries kidnapped the citizen; Nechirvan Mustafa Ali (37 years old), from the city of Mobata in occupied Afrin.

June 23

One of the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state, called “Youssef,” kidnapped a 17-year-old minor girl from the village of Kabashin, and sexually assaulted her.

June 24

The mercenary "Abu Imran" from "Ahrar al-Sharqiya" affiliated with the Turkish occupation, severely beat the citizen Muhammad Brem, from the village of Kiora in the city of Rajo, and insulted and insulted him in front of his family. When his mother-in-law, Zainab Sheikho (85 years old), intervened to solve the problem, she was also beaten and suffered a heart attack, after which she was taken to a hospital in occupied Afrin while she was in a serious condition.

June 25

The mercenaries of the "Hamzat Division" affiliated with the Turkish occupation severely beat the child Ahmed Maho (13 years old), from the village of Bililko in the city of Raju in occupied Afrin, in the Mahmoudiyah neighborhood near the al-Sinaa School. What caused the child psychological disorders, “electricity in the brain,” according to doctors and his family.

June 26

Turkish intelligence and “civil police” mercenaries kidnapped 4 citizens in the village of Diwa Fawqani in the city of Janders in occupied Afrin, including two brothers and the village mayor. They are "Ali Hassan (40 years old), who is the village mukhtar. He returned after paying a ransom, Hussein Hassan Hamoud (35 years old), Muhammad Hassan Hamoud (38 years old), and Muhammad Jumah Soro (40 years old)." After their homes were raided, to demand their property.

The "Civil Police" mercenaries of the Turkish occupation kidnapped the citizen Yahya Taha Barakat (37 years old) and the minor Adham Darwish Alloush (15 years old) from the people of Janders in the occupied city of Afrin.

The young man, Harith Ibrahim Al-Alan, was killed, and his father, the pharmacist Ibrahim Al-Alan, was injured, in addition to Ibn Faisal Al-Abo, in the occupied city of Girê Spi, as a result of the fighting taking place in the city between the Turkish occupation mercenaries, the Levant Front, and the military police.

June 28

The Turkish occupation mercenaries, the “military police,” kidnapped the citizen Mahmoud Ali bin Nour al-Din (1978), a resident of the town of Kakhara in the city of Mobata, from his house that he rented behind Dersim Hospital in the city of Afrin to demand his house, which is seized by a leader of the “Lions of the East” mercenaries in occupied Afrin.

June 29

The Turkish occupation mercenaries kidnapped the young man Rashid Samir Ali (24 years old), from the village of Kura in the city of Janders, while he was leaving his shoe store located in the city of Janders, demanding a financial ransom of 25 thousand US dollars from his family.

Settlers from the Turkish occupation mercenaries, working in a sewing workshop near the Sheikh Bakr Mosque in the old Afrin neighborhood, assaulted the young man, Nidal Mohammad, from the village of “Shekhorz” in the town of Bulbul, which led to him sustaining head injuries and breaking his phone.

T/ Satt.