Turkey uses water to fight North Syria people

The violations of the Turkish occupation state did not cease at the time of the massacres in Afrin and its occupation and threats of occupation. It was prepared for the use of other methods in its war against the people of the Syrian north, including the cutting of the Euphrates River increasingly since last year, which leads to a decrease in the water level of the river Manbij and many cities and regions of North Syria.

Turkey uses water to fight North Syria people
1 April 2018   04:20


MANBIJ –After liberating Rojava dam from grip IS gangs at the end of 2015 by hands of the fighters Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) the Turkish government is trying to prevent the people of North Syria  from benefiting it and then cut off the Euphrates River from Syria, which affects the dam's dams and stops power generation Note that in the years when IS gangs  were dominating of the dam and areas on the Euphrates river, Turkey never cut water from it.

Al-Tabqa and al-Huryia dams has been liberated by (SDF) the life 's people return to this region after liberating form grip IS gangs so Civil Administration worked to rehabilitation of dams and high voltage networks Turkish occupation used many kinds to fighting the people of North Syria preventing them from basic service like electricity and water .

With the start of the Turkish aggression on Afrin, the Erdogan government is trying to cut water almost completely from the Syrian territory as a kind of special war to put pressure on the people and the North Syria federation and try to break its will, at a time when the flight of the Turkish occupation followed the same policy against Afrin  people Water and electricity for the people of Afrin. And the bombing of the drinking water purification plant in Afrin, all this proves unequivocally that Erdogan's government is using water as a strategic weapon in its war against the people of North Syria .

Because of the lack of quantities of water supplied to the dams (Rojava ,al-Tabqa , al-Huryia ) as a result of the policies of the Turkish fascist government mentioned above and non-compliance with international conventions and agreements on the distribution of Euphrates water between Turkey and Syria and Iraq, The second to secure the minimum life along the course of the river in what is currently going only 200 m 3 and sometimes less.

Due to the low levels of dams to below the required level, most of the drinking water pumps operating on the Euphrates River were stopped and electricity was cut off.

In this regard, the Energy Body of al-Jazeera and al-Furat Region issued a statement on 12-2-2018 announcing that they will adopt rationing in the generation and cutting of electricity for 10 hours per day and operating 14 hours to provide quantities of water to raise the level to stable levels for the continuation of the generation process for as long as possible in the future, Cities, towns and villages benefiting from electric power produced in dams.

The decrease in water levels led to the burning of the main station in the Ruja dam and the interruption of water and electricity from Manbij city Hawar news agency (ANHA) interviewed the administrator of the services committee in Manbaj Mohammad Rasho "Because of Turkey cutting off the Euphrates River, The water is supplied to Manbij by pumping stations from the al-babiri area to the treatment plant in Tel-Aswad, which transfers water to Qarar village  south of Manbij city, and from there to 4 pumps at the station. Basic, then transferred to the station Treatment and distribution of water in Manbij city .

"Manbij city  recently suffered frequent temporary water and electricity disruptions caused by the burning of 66 station and its interruption because Turkey cut off the Euphrates River, which caused pressure on the station and its burning, and in turn stopped the water pumps running on electricity as well.

Mohammed stressed that the maintenance workshop is working to repair the damage, and that within the next 48 hours will be equipped pump, which feeds Manbij city to secure the required amount of water for Manbij city and countryside beside the station al-Babiri.

At the end of his speech, Mohammed appealed to the people not to waste water and rationing as it approaches summer and the city will need more water.
