Martyrs’ families: We reject strangers, traitors to manage Afrin

“The people of Afrin, especially those who sacrificed their sons for their land are the only people to run their land. The people of Afrin will not accept the strangers and the traitors of Entebbe Council to manage Afrin.” This is what the martyrs’ families said in al-Jazeera region.

Martyrs’ families: We reject strangers, traitors to manage Afrin
31 March 2018   14:43


QAMIŞLO- The martyrs’ families in al-Jazeera region who participated two days ago in the fourth conference of the Families’ Martyrs Council in Afrin region which was held in Rumailan town in Girkê Legê talked on the margins of the conference to Hawar news agency about the attempts of the Turkish occupation state to form a council of some mercenaries to manage the affairs of Afrin. The families of the martyrs absolutely rejected what they called the traitors of Entebbe.

Fener Suleiman said about this, “We categorically reject the so-called Entebbe Council because whoever works under the umbrella of the occupier cannot manage their land; the people who entered the council are the traitors who have put their hands in the hands of those who want to occupy their land.”

Maasoum Mohammed also condemned the so-called Entebbe Council, “The connection of our people to their land and their stick to their martyrs’ blood are the way that our people chose to defend Afrin. We do not accept the agents who contribute at changing the demography of Afrin.”

Abdul Kareem Othman said that whoever helped the enemy to occupy their land has no legitimacy, and Abdul Kareem Othman added, “We, as martyrs' families, sacrificed our sons for this land, and we will not accept anybody who has not offered anything for this land to manage our land and to come with the occupier to impose their control over land that is not their right.”

Sertib Ahmed pointed out that forming Entebbe Council is the completion of the Turkish occupying project, and that Turkey is exploiting some of its agents to reinforce its occupying polices against Rojava areas and Afrin in particular. Ahmed noted that the so-called Entebbe Council represents the mercenaries who looted the civilians’ homes, and who strive at changing the demography of Afrin area.

Ahmed said that Afrin people, especially those who sacrificed their sons for the sake of their land are deserved to manage their land.

Ahmad called for all the political parties and the national troops to reject the National Council’s attitudes that strive at maintaining the Turkish occupation in Afrin.