Russia changes Syria's demographic

Russia changes Syria's demographic
31 March 2018   14:05

NEWS DESK - Russia, in cooperation with Turkey, continues to change Syria's demographic. The Russian Defense Ministry has announced the transfer of more than 38,000 militants and their families from Arabin in the eastern al-Ghouta to Idlib province.

Russia intervened in the Syrian crisis from late 2015. At the beginning of 2017, Turkey reached a joint agreement that protects the interests of the three countries in Syria by establishing the so-called reduction zones which always lead to Russian-Turkish agreements to change Syria's demographic.

In the eastern al-Ghouta, where the regime has started a military operation since February 18 this year, Russia and Turkey agree with Turkish mercenary groups, along with civilians, to leave their towns and cities and move to other parts of Syria, especially Idlib.

According to Sputnik, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on Saturday that more than 38 thousand armed men were transferred with their families from Arbin in the eastern al- Ghouta to the province of Idlib, which is also a so-called areas of reducing the escalation.

The ministry also announced that the Russian Reconciliation Center decided to extend the humanitarian truce for the remaining of the mercenaries of the "Corps of the Rahman" from the eastern al-Ghouta.

The province of Idlib has become a center for the collection of mercenary groups in various affiliations and external loyalties, controlled by the mercenaries of the front of Fatah al-Sham .

Observers say that Idlib will sooner or later see a Russian-led military campaign aimed at eliminating armed groups in Syria.