He lives in hope of returning to his land, trees

Khalil Habash, an Afrin older who has worked for 46 years on growing of olive and vine trees, his soul is rooted in the dust of Afrin, like the olive trees. He lives in the hope that his land and trees will soon return.

He lives in hope of returning to his land, trees
1 April 2018   04:39


AL-SHAHBA- Afrin farmer Khalil Habash, lost his hand earlier in an accident, but struggled throughout his life, planting 400 olive trees beside the vineyards.

He lost his hand but did not lose hope

Khalil Habash opened his eyes to life in Zerka village of Rajo district in Afrin, this village known for its olive oil and vineyards. Khalil, 66, lost one of his hands at the age of 18 when he was trying to intervene in a fight between two families, where he was shot. But he has not lost hope and attachment to life and land.

'My trees grew before my eyes as young child grows up'

Khalil Habash works in the cultivation of olive trees and vineyards. "I planted 400 olive trees, my trees grew before my eyes as my young children grow up."

Like many residents of Afrin, Khalil Habash was forced to leave his home as a result of Turkish occupation army attacks on Afrin. But he did not give up his land and trees. At first he went to Afrin city, and from there he went to al-Shahba areas, eventually, he had to go to Tal Rifat, where he lives in Berkhdan.

Live in hope of return

The spirit of uncle Khalil is rooted in Afrin land like the olive trees, he can not live far from his trees. He lives in the hope that the fighters of the People and Women Protection Units will liberate Afrin soon, and he will return to his land and trees.

 "As long as there are fighters of People and Women Protection Units, I am not afraid of anything. I want to serve this people," said Uncle Khalil Habash.
