Injuries occurred during a joint patrol between Damascus and Russian forces near Golan Heights

Injuries occurred due to an explosive device explosion during a joint patrol involving Damascus and Russian forces near the Golan. The explosion, caused by an explosive device planted by unknown gunmen, seriously wounded two members of the Damascus forces.

Injuries occurred during a joint patrol between Damascus and Russian forces near Golan Heights
4 July 2024   18:33

Two soldiers of the Damascus forces were seriously injured as a result of an explosive device explosion planted by unknown gunmen on the path of a joint military patrol between the Damascus forces and the Russian forces. The incident took place as the patrol passed through the road to the village of Abu Ghara in the Quneitra countryside near the occupied Syrian Golan, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

It is worth noting that targeting and assassinations by unknown gunmen have increased since the beginning of this year. Many of these attacks have targeted officers and soldiers of the Damascus forces, as well as individuals associated with and cooperating with the Lebanese Hezbollah group.

On May 14, an officer with the rank of assistant, who was responsible for the Military Intelligence Detachment, was assassinated by unidentified gunmen in the al-Rafid area on the al-Qasiba - Ain Freikha road in the Quneitra countryside near the Syrian Golan.

On the 12th of the same month, an officer closely affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah from the Military Intelligence Division and his companion were assassinated after unknown gunmen targeted a military vehicle with an explosive device on the road linking the towns of al-Shajara and Sahm al-Golan, west of Daraa, near the occupied Syrian Golan.

There are 14 Russian observation points deployed in the region, which were set up recently to ease tensions between Israel and groups supported by the Lebanese Hezbollah after a significant escalation between the two parties.

T/ Satt.