Shanaz Ahmed: Turkish attacks on S. Kurdistan violates Iraq's sovereignty

Writer and member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed warned of recent attacks by the Turkish occupation state on areas of S. Kurdistan, emphasizing that Iraq's sovereignty is now under serious threat.

Shanaz Ahmed: Turkish attacks on S. Kurdistan violates Iraq's sovereignty
5 July 2024   15:14

The American magazine "News Week" published a report highlighting the deteriorating situation in S. Kurdistan due to recent military movements by the Turkish occupation state.

The report, authored by writer and Kurdistan Democratic Party member Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed, cautioned that Iraq's sovereignty is at risk due to these attacks, which have forced residents of over 500 villages to flee and abandon their homes, exacerbating humanitarian and security conditions in the region.

Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed stated, "Iraq's sovereignty is at risk, why is no one speaking up? Once again, Turkey threatens the stability of the Kurdistan Region through its attacks. Currently, residents of the area are fleeing from Turkey's intense military assaults, leaving their homes in search of safety."

She pointed out that in recent days, Turkish military movements in S. Kurdistan have escalated from border attacks to occupation. Currently, Iraq faces a significant threat to its sovereignty not seen since 2003.

Shanaz emphasized, "According to international law, when a foreign state militarily controls a sovereign territory, it constitutes occupation."

In specific details, after the entry of over 300 tanks and approximately one thousand soldiers, Turkish occupation forces have stationed themselves over a wide area in S. Kurdistan, according to Roj News Agency, heightening fears of a new displacement crisis in the region.

Shanaz added, "Turkey has currently deployed a large military force along the Dohuk border, demanding villagers evacuate their homes, while simultaneously launching intense daily bombardments and operations along the border, resulting in significant material and human losses for residents."

These developments come at a time when Iraq is grappling with successive political and security crises, posing significant challenges for the Iraqi government in maintaining the country's sovereignty and stability.