Al-Tabqa people consider Russia ,Turkey responsible of massacres against Afrin people

Al-Tabqa people blamed Turkey and Russia for the massacres, displacement, looting and theft of civilian's properties in Afrin region.

Al-Tabqa people consider Russia ,Turkey responsible of massacres against Afrin people
1 April 2018   06:13

AL_TABQA_ Hawar news agency (ANHA) interviews with people in al-Tabqa city during sidelines of the solidarity with Afrin , who organizing massive march was launched on Saturday morning at Sports city in al-Tabqa city .

A member of Maryre's Families Counil  Amins Abdel Razzaq said "What Turkey is doing in Afrin is unacceptable from the humanitarian point of view. We, the children of al-Tabqa city , stand against the Turkish aggression and the crimes committed by the Turkish state against the innocent".

Turkey and its mercenary gangs are still ongoing to attack against Afrin area in north-west syria which was launched on20 January  by green light from Russia .

 The Administrator of The youth committee Fatima al-Ahmed "Russia is responsible for the criminal acts committed against Afrin people ".

More than 260 civilians have been martyred and more than 700 persons were wounded by The Turkish aggression so far. according to figures documented by the Administration of the hospital Afrin.

The Turkish aggression led to the displacement of more than 200 thousand civilians, many of whom remain in wilderness in al-Shahba area in the continuation of the silent international attitude towards the Turkish aggression.

All speakers denounced ethnic displacement and looting in Afrin area.
