Eliminating 10 occupiers in Guerrilla operations in response to their occupation attacks

Operations carried out by the Guerrilla forces, in response to the attacks of the occupying Turkish state, resulted in the killing of 10 occupation soldiers and the destruction of surveillance camera and armored systems, and the People's Defense Forces announced the martyrdom of 3 fighters.

Eliminating 10 occupiers in Guerrilla operations in response to their occupation attacks
4 July 2024   22:36

The Turkish occupation army launched a violent air and ground attack on the resistance square in Bahar Hill in Zap, while the Kurdistan Democratic Party forces supported the attack, and the Guerrilla forces responded with operations to the occupation attacks.

Turkish occupation army attacks;

On July 1 and 3, the Turkish occupation army bombed with warplanes 4 times the Jasugan hill squares, the Komurtan village in the Qandil region, 6 times the resistance squares in Sinina and Shakif in the Khakurk region, 3 times the Khayri, Hill and Sidara squares in the Gari region, 3 times the resistance squares of Dargla and Gulaka. In the Matina area, and 17 times in the Martyr Dalil area in western Zap, that is, the occupation army bombed it 33 times in general with warplanes.

On July 3, the Turkish occupation army launched a helicopter attack on the areas of Matina, Khakurk, and the Shahid Dalil area in western Zap.

T/ Satt.