Graduation party for 30 students from Tal Hamis

The Schools Management Committee in Tal Hmeis district held a graduation party for 30 students who completed a course for the first level Kurdish language in the area.

Graduation party for 30 students from Tal Hamis
31 March 2018   16:29

QAMISHLO-The graduation party held at the Institute for Teacher Education was attended by graduate students and their parents, the co-chair of the School Management Committee in Tal Hamis Khalil Ousman and the co-chair of the School Management Committee in the city of Qamishlo Arras Jomaa.

The graduation party began with a minute of silence followed by a speech by the teacher of the course, Medea Suleiman, who congratulated the students on the end of the course and wished them success and benefit from what they received during the course.

she said "We will continue to open such courses to those who want to learn the Kurdish language from the Kurdish and Arab people."

The course, which was attended by 36 students who wished to learn Kurdish for 3 months, continued with the completion of the first stage of the training and are scheduled to join the second and third stages later.