With cooperation of Parents .... Dismanlting 2 explosive in Manbij

The engineering teams specialized by removing mines and explosive to Internal Security Forces in Manbij city were able to dismantle two explosive devices near Sabe-Baharat roundabout in Manbij.

With cooperation of Parents .... Dismanlting 2 explosive in Manbij
31 March 2018   08:53

MANBIJ -  The citizens informed  to the Internal Security Forces that two suspicious bodies were found near Sabe -Baharat roundabout in Manbij On Friday evening, and the engineering team in charge of removing mines and explosives rushed to site.

After the detection, it turned out that the two bodies were two explosive devices were detonated, according to the Center for Internal Security Forces, the purpose of the two devices is to spread panic among the people and targeting civilians.

The engineering teams took the necessary security measures and dismantled the two devices before they exploded.
