7 gangs killed in Shara district by qualitve operation

7 gangs of the Turkish occupation army have been killed during an operation carried out by the fighters of the People Protection Units (YPG) and Women Protection Units (YPJ) in Shara district in Afrin canton.

7 gangs killed in Shara district by qualitve operation
31 March 2018   09:54

AFRIN - The fighters of the People and Women Protection Units (YPG, YPJ) On Saturday morning  ambushed the gangs of the Turkish occupation army on the road between Shara  district and Afrin.

The ambush of the mercenaries who were trying to go to Afrin city resulted in the killing of 7gangs .

It is noteworthy that (YPG, YPJ) had carried out another operation against  gangs of the Turkish occupation army in Shara district resulted in the destruction of their stronghold and the killing of more than 30 mercenary elements.
