“De-escalation” a Russian-Turkish plan to eliminate reg...

The Russian plan, carefully devised on the Syrian territories, as planned in Ast...

Idlib in front of settlement areas' scenario or decisiv...

It seems that the scenario adopted by the Syrian and Russian regimes recently wi...

Turkey follows Turkification policies, demographic chan...

Since Turkey occupied Jarablos city in the north of Syria on August 24, 2016, Tu...

Why is Turkey focusing on Manbij at this time?

One of the first areas that were supposed to get the attention of Erdogan and th...

Water crisis .. Turkish project threatens Kurds ,Arabs ...

With the emergence of the water crisis in Iraq by cutting Turkey off the waters ...

Ankara, its declaration of occupation to Başûr Kurdistan

The Kurdish writer Shirzad al-Yazidi confirmed that the emergence of the Turkish...

Erdogan: a hero of new play

Even when he was prime minister, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan used to ...

The Democratic Nation as cohesion within difference

The co-chair of Executive Body of Democratic Society Movement Aldar Khalil said,...

Russian states quo is similar to Soviet collapse period

The co-chair of the Executive Body of the Democratic Society Movement Aldar Khal...

Turkish Incursion attempts collided with Gulf wall in A...

The Turkish attempts to penetrate into the Arab world have recently collided wit...

Qatar; a new Ottoman base

The Qatari role in promoting the new Ottomanism and seeking power in Ankara’s bo...

Russia under pretext of "legitimacy of its existence" d...

In every new event on the Syrian scene, more and more vague facts about the role...

Turkey threatens Şengal , its eye on Mosul, Kirkuk

Turkish state officials are making vague arguments to expand their ambitions in ...

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