The Democratic Nation as cohesion within difference

The co-chair of Executive Body of Democratic Society Movement Aldar Khalil said, "What is happening in Syria is a reaction of what the Baathist regime practiced on the people who planted the fear and the terrorism in the hearts of the people and its systems practiced Arabization policies against anyone who wanted the simplest rights of the other nations and components in Syria.

The Democratic Nation as cohesion within difference
13 May 2018   06:12


The Arab Democratic Center for Strategic Studies published an article by Khalil, in which Khalil noted to the policies of the Baathist regime against the Syrian people.

Khalil pointed out that the Syrian situation was different from the countries which witnessed changes in the so-called Arab Spring Revolutions. In a short period of time, Syria was transformed into an arena for regional and international intervention that dismantled this fragile opposition and diverted it from its national course. Syria has become a battleground of factional calculations instead of thinking about the general national concern and how to move to a new life.

We rejected in Rojava- North Syria to be by the side of one of the parties in the conflict on the authority, influencing the supreme national interest of the people of Syria and considering it a strategic one, not just a transitional necessity. Based on our ethical and national considerations, we committed ourselves to the policy of the third Line as a secure approach to the necessities of democratic change. This line has a greater strategic capacity, serving and emanating from the aspirations of the people of Syria. We all worked from Kurds, Arabs, Syrians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Turkmen, Muslims, Christians and Yazidis to preserve and defend our areas.

The third approach is the product of democratic policy based on Ocalan philosophy n and the theory of the democratic nation as a revolutionary and intellectual basis. The strength of the founder of the democratic nation is believed to have moved from classical thought and ideologies to the new modernity voices of capitalist modernism at the end of the last century. Which is in itself a democratic approach to the concept of ideology whose old concept does not tolerate the existence of the difference, and we consider it a logical response to the advocates of the end of ideology.

So it brought with it great gains, the model of the democratic nation armed with good community awareness to first to adapt community perceptions charged with violence, and then to make it human."

In highlight this reality, we find that the factors forming the democratic nation stem from the natural basis of the human composition that rejects the opposition, which is seeking a common life characterized by the basic acceptance and recognition of the natural state of the existence of others.

A situation that is necessary and important as it gives the state of difference a fundamental and federal meaning on the basis of the necessities of self-preservation, and represents a true unity of society despite the state of diversity.

Based on the above, and because we are the owners of a revolution, we did not want to be those who distanced themselves from diagnosing their needs, we searched for possible solutions in ways that cannot bring power in one form or another, as has been done by many parties who wanted cosmetic repairs to the case the existing central regime, and ignore the basic need of the Syrian people, which is to move to a different stage than Syria had.

Hence, in agreement with our partners in the components of Rojava Kurdistan, we have seen that the model of the democratic nation will serve as a role model to serve our society and the Syrian society.

As for education, the subject of individuals' freedom to learn according to their affiliations and languages was a very important topic Ocalan said "The level of progress in language reflects the level of progress in life."

We are keen on the necessity and importance of this subject as it is a necessity to preserve the state of cultural diversity, as well as to provide what would support this diversity, contrary to what worked under the laws that were operating by the Syrian state under the rule of the Baath, the state of popular organization maintained the diversity of identity Nationalism, education and administrative participation, all of which are among the most important pillars of the democratic nation's project.

By introducing a democratic project like the democratic nation's project, the obstacles to the need have not disappeared. The obstacles were at the height of the mindset that the regime has been manipulating for years.

They want a change based on the permanence of their presence in the vital joints of the exercise of power and to be satisfied with changes and dialogues and to present them as the solution, and this is the case of many Syrian opposition today. It must be recognized that all that Mr. Abdullah Ocalan put forward are ideas about what management and the form of community organization itself on their communities is one of the most important and necessary features.