Tel Tamr residents: Turkey fears from uniting NE Syria's spectra

The people of the city of Tel Tamr in the Jazira region have confirmed that the Turkish occupying state is intensifying its attacks on the areas of North and East Syria because it fears the interdependence and solidarity of the region’s components. They affirmed their resistance to all the plans of the Turkish occupation.

Tel Tamr residents: Turkey fears from uniting NE Syria's spectra
27 June 2024   04:10

The attacks by the Turkish occupying state on the region of North and East Syria continue unabated, using all means. These attacks have not discouraged the inhabitants of the region from resisting.

The residents of the town of Tel Tamr in the Jazira Canton, which is located on the front lines with the Turkish occupying state and its mercenaries, and who are persisting on their land despite being subjected to Turkish bombardment on a near-daily basis, spoke to ANHA's agency about the purpose of the attacks and their stance towards them.

The Turkish occupying state, through its attacks on the region of North and East Syria, seeks to undermine the democratic nation's project of the autonomous administration because it fears the interdependence and solidarity of its components, including the Kurds, Arabs, and Assyrian Syriacs.”

“Turkey has tried all means to put an end to the autonomous administration project, using its own army and mercenaries, who call themselves the national army, and now it is fighting us by cutting off the waters of the Alouk station from the occupied city of Ras al-Ain, which was feeding the town of Tel-Tamr and the city of Hasakah.”

The Turkish occupying state cannot eliminate the AA's project.

He stressed that the Turkish occupying state could not eliminate the AA's project, no matter how much pressure it exerted on the people of the region; those people maintained their land and that project.

The Turkish occupying state is a state based on terrorism. Since the Syrian crisis, several terrorist organizations have been founded and supported by all means. When the DAA was established, ISIS and the so-called Free Army supported all of this to attack the AA's project in the North and East of Syria. Hamdia Koti explained: Now that the AA has announced the holding of municipal elections in the region, the Turkish occupying state has escalated its attacks, is threatening the peoples of the region with a new military operation, and we, all the peoples of the region, are ready to confront it, and we will remain steadfast in protecting our regions against Erdogan and his associates, and anyone who tries to undermine the gains of our people.

The city of Tel Tamr is distinguished by the multiplicity of its components and their peaceful coexistence with each other.

 The Turkish occupying state, through its attacks on the regions of the North and East of Syria, is attempting to impose its hegemony and control over the region. However, the components of the region have been able to deal with all the attacks of the Turkish occupying state by joining forces with each other.

Since 2011, with the beginning of the Syrian crisis, the Turkish occupying state has attempted to enter and occupy the area. Despite all its attempts to enter the area, the people of Tel Tamr have been able to withstand and confront it. The city of Tel Tamr is characterized by its multiple components, its peaceful coexistence, and its solidarity in the face of any threat to the region.

T/ Satt.