Russian states quo is similar to Soviet collapse period

The co-chair of the Executive Body of the Democratic Society Movement Aldar Khalil said, "Russia is at the beginning of a historical blunder in the area and the world, and things indicate what it was in a period before the collapse of the Soviet Union. The tripartite strike on Syria was directed to Russia directly, resulting in occurring transformations and the most important is reviewing Turkey to its calculations in the area and in particular what is regard to understandings with Russia after

Russian states quo is similar to Soviet collapse period
7 May 2018   02:54


In an article published in Ronahi newspaper in issue No. 469, Aldar Khalil said in his article: "Similarity between the current Russian situation and Soviet collapse's period."

Khalil said in his article:
"Russian policy is gradually showing up and failing to deal with the regional issues in the Middle East. The Russian expansion in the area is evident at the expense of the peoples. On the other hand, there is a Russian determination to not be free from the mistakes made by the former Soviet Union.

The results of the Russian policy in Syria resulted in a number of variables in the area and the world after the situation in Syria turned into a third world war, as this war guaranteed the re-alignments, the thing which is due to the many variables that we have talked about as invading the area and that the variables mentioned will be comprehensive including in which the Arab and European world and the rest of the world are reorganized according to the stage we are going through.

The Russian deal with Turkey after several contradictory positions among them a tactical step was especially in light of Turkey's inability to hold any strategic understandings. This is one of the characteristics of its history and policy. The Russian meeting with Turkey was not without the Turkish orientation itself.

As Turkey has turned into a stick to threaten the forces and countries in Syria on the one hand and on the other hand, to benefit from Turkey in creating differences within NATO through the weapons systems to be sold to Turkey as well as compensation for the loss of Russia's relations with Ukraine - the feeder country across Europe gas to Russia - Turkey; Gas is a major product of Russia, these trends with the role of Russia in dealing with the Syrian and Libyan and Yemeni file and then what was created in the Crimea.

In addition, the Iranian-Turkish-Russian understandings on the issue of Astana and their differences on the ground for influence and the disruption of this trinity of the series of international talks on Syria, such as Vienna and Geneva in successive stages, all this contributed to the isolation of Russia globally by more than twenty countries in March this year.

It did not stop at this point, but a triple blow was made by the United States, Britain and France on the chemical stores in April of this year as well as the convergence of the axis of the three countries mentioned on the deterrence of the Russian role in Syria and the region, Russia and the strike was directed directly to Russia, produced a triple strike that was complementary to the directions of countries in the world to expel Russian diplomats.

The strike was proof of the difference between the Russian regime and its air arsenal and what was used in the strike (tripartite), especially under the Russian proposal to provide Turkey with the same systems - which did nothing - and the strike led to a weakness of Russia in the course of benefiting from differences and rift between some countries The world and America, and specifically North Korea, which was about to wage a certain war threatening the whole world. Korea realized that dependence on Russia is wrong and that the blockade has made the internal situation more difficult and that America will not hesitate to support South Korea and Japan. Therefore, it was better to make peace with South Korea, which caused great damage to Russia and its interests there, which in turn affected the tripartite Iranian-Russian-Turkish relations as well as the position of Astana and harmed by Iran, Russia's ally in that agreement.