What are Russian-Turkish agreements that led to occupation of Afrin?

What are Russian-Turkish agreements that led to occupation of Afrin?
25 March 2018   08:17


As hostility between Turkey and Russia reached its peak, how did the aggression suddenly turn into friends? The hostility between Turkey and Russia was not limited to the downing of the Russian plane, but Turkey has referred the issue of Russia to "NATO" and sought to escalate the confrontation between them. Russia imposed an economic blockade on Turkey and revealed Turkey's relations with Damascus. All these developments have bothered Erdogan a lot, and he has begun to look for ways to reconcile. When Turkey dropped the Russian plane, Erdogan began to show off, "If necessary we will drop it again.

Turkey has not succeeded in achieving its goal with regard to the expulsion of "NATO" and America from the Kurds. In particular, efforts have been made in Syria to remove the international coalition against the Kurds and People's Protection Units( YPG). The Turkish antagonism against the Kurds has reached a turning point. In Iraq, a Kurdish entity was established. If a similar Kurdish entity existed in Syria, this would mean that the resurrection would be for Turkey and would exceed Turkey's ability to withstand. Therefore, it was necessary to remove the Kurds and remove them out of the equation of the region, whatever the costs. To this end, Turkey has embraced thousands of Syrian refugees and has begun to use them as a pressure, threat and blackmail card against Europe. On the other hand, it supported mercenary gangs such (Da esh /Jabhit al-Nusra –al-Nusra Front ) as well as armed groups of displaced Arabs in the camps and began to use them against the Kurds.

America and the International Alliance are fully aware of all Turkish relations and alliances in Syria. Turkey was not trusted in the war against the duplicitous. When Turkey saw that it would not receive the necessary support against the Kurds from the West (Europe and America), it began to focus on its relations with Russia. It is known that there is competition and conflict between Russia and America on the region. Both seek to establish their influence in Syria. Erdogan benefited from this reality and concluded secret and public agreements with Russia that would affect the future of Turkey. The results of these agreements emerged when Turkey occupied Afrin. It is clear that what is happening in Afrin is not just an occupation. But at the same time genocide, a public genocide under international conventions. What happened until Russia joined with Turkey in the genocide of the Kurds? What are the interests and deals received by Russia from Erdogan, what agreements are concluded?

It is known that Turkey has announced that it will buy S-400 missile systems from Russia, and confirmed reaching agreement on this subject. These missiles are not compatible with "NATO" weapons systems, and the Turkish army is one of the" NATO" armies. It is said that these missiles will not be effective. Turkey is seeking through this step pressure on the West (Europe and America) on the one hand, and offer a package bribes to Russia on the other. According to information available to us, Turkey buys from Russia weapons worth 6 to 7 billion dollars. That is, it will not formally leave" NATO" but it will also continue to conclude secret agreements with Russia. One of the practical aspects of these agreements is that Turkey will accept any Russian initiative in the Caucasus. Russia will face complex issues including Armenia and Azerbaijan. Therefore, Turkey will act in accordance with Russian policies on these issues.

Another important aspect of the alliance between Turkey and Russia is that Turkey will quickly establish relations with Syria and soon open its representative in Damascus. More importantly, Turkey will limit the intelligence dealings with America in line with Russian demands. That is, Russia will intervene in any US influence on Turkey. Russia will also be aware of all American moves in the Turkish base of Incirlik. Turkey will guarantee Russia the deployment of its military bases in places that allow Russia to control what is happening in Inglek. Russia will also set up a special monitoring committee to monitor US movements in Turkey. All these endeavors will be carried out in partnership with Turkey.

As it is clear, Afrin became a victim of Turkish-Russian interests, while America and "NATO "committed themselves to watching all these deals and massacres. But Afrin will not be the last. In fact, Turkey, which has its back to its agreements with Russia, is now threatening America as well, demanding that America get out of the way of Manbij and threaten to hit Qamishlo arriving to Deirk. Turkey screams with all its might and asks America to get out of Syria completely and sever its relations with the Kurds. Does Turkey alone have the power to launch these threats? of course not. Turkey's clear intentions, trying to escalate hostility against the Kurds, and involve the whole region in this hostility, which does not allow the Kurds to establish their own entity in the region. Turkey has therefore entered into agreements and alliances with Russia whose future can not be predicted. It has entered into a conflict of superpower competition over the region, and it will have to pay high costs. Will Erdogan and Pahagli remain in power forever? Will Turkey always maintain its agreements with Syria? Will America and Europe remain silent on these alliances? All these facts and important facts will directly affect the developments of events at the regional and international levels.

Russia has shown that it has not followed a policy worthy of a superpower. She sacrificed the Kurds to win the support of a racist state and a state of genocide like the Turkish state. It was able to adopt different policies, but it preferred to burden the Kurds with the high costs of the Middle East and the world, and participated in the displacement and expulsion of the Kurds from their land. However, these policies have not succeeded in perpetuating their existence and relations in the Middle East. Whatever Russia practiced demagogic policies, whatever it tried to accuse and criminalize the Kurds, it will not be able to hide and deny its role as a partner in the genocide of the Kurds.

The main objective of Turkey in Syria is the Kurds. Russia's goal was America and its allies. There is no doubt that the Russian-Turkish alliance will not be confined to the borders of the Middle East, but will affect all subsequent developments in the region and the world. Each alliance will seek to strengthen its positions and relations accordingly.
