Our leader built us a cornerstone

The resident of the city of Tirbespiyê denounced the severe isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan, and confirmed: Our leader has built a foundation for us.

Our leader built us a cornerstone
27 June 2024   03:01

The residents of the city of Tirbespiyê in al-Jazira canton expressed their views on the severe isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan and emphasized the struggle for his physical freedom.

Majduli Ali, Yazidi woman from the city of Tirbespiyê, condemned the isolation imposed on leader Ocalan and denounced the silence of the European Committee against Torture, saying: Our leader is subjected to severe isolation, and the whole world sees this isolation, first and foremost the European Committee against Torture, but they remain silent about it. We condemn this isolation and the silence of this committee.

Majduli Ali referred to the understanding of the Yazidi people, especially women, of their entity and their rights, thanks to leader Abdullah Ocalan, and went on to say: Our leader has built a foundation for us.

She addressed the world, saying, Open your eyes to the facts. Leader Abdullah Ocalan is the owner of thought and philosophy, and his cause is followed by thousands.

Ahmed Ibrahim pointed out that the ideas of leader Ocalan are bringing together the entire population of the North and East of Syria, so they will continue to fight for him until the end and say: The leader has the right to meet his family and his lawyer. The thought and philosophy of the leader have spread throughout the world, and we demand his release, and we will always fight in the arena.

She drew attention to the imposition of isolation by the Turkish occupying state on leader Abdullah Ocalan, with a view to limiting the spread of his ideas, and said: Leader Abdullah Ocalan is the leader and the first philosopher of women's freedom. His ideas reflect women's rights, and the Rojava Kurdistan revolution, known as the women's revolution, is one of the results of his thinking and philosophy.

T/ Satt.