Turkey threatens Şengal , its eye on Mosul, Kirkuk

Turkish state officials are making vague arguments to expand their ambitions in Syria and Iraq, such as saving their security and fighting "terrorism" and trying to bite behind the areas which they consider to be part of Ottoman heritage as Ninwa, including Şengal and Kirkuk in Iraq.

Turkey threatens Şengal , its eye on Mosul, Kirkuk
27 March 2018   06:16


NEWS DESK – Before Turkish forces entered Iraqi lands without the knowledge of the federal government in Baghdad, and the entry of a wave of discontent among Iraqi and International Community, but Turkish forces are still in Bashiqa (60 km from the center of Mosil) and increase the number of troops a day after day and reinforced its presence with armored vehicles and various military machineries despite all the objections.
Turks said at that time that Masoud Barzani had given them permission to enter under the pretext of training Peshmerga forces, and others accused Iraqi defense minister of holding the deal.

In fact, Turkey wants to occupy Mosul and Kirkuk since the Treaty of Sevres in the wake of First World War, which included the separation of Iraq from Ottoman Empire in 1920, which Turkish President Kemal Ataturk refused to sign.
The Turks believe that Mosul is a natural extension of Anatolian plateau and that the Kurds and Turks in it and also in Kirkuk are of Turkish origin!!
In accordance with the Treaty of Lausanne, a referendum was held on Mosul state in 1924 under the supervision of the League of Nations (later turned to the United Nations). In light of the results of the referendum, the League of Nations decided in December 16, 1925 to keep Mosul, Kirkuk and Sulaimaniya within Iraqi borders. While Nujaifi family was the only one that wants to join these areas to Turkey after the temptations offered by Turkey at that time.

Turkey agreed to the referendum in 1926 and formally waived these areas in return for granting 10% of the revenues of oil extracted from the area of ​​Mosul and Kirkuk for 25 years has been done !!
Turkey remained the same in the state of Mosul and Kirkuk. There are opportunities to recover it. Turkish newspapers are urging their governments to do so and calling for more pressure whenever Iraq is threatened or an internal problem. In 1986, when the media promoted the entry of Iranian forces into Iraqi land from the north, Iraq and moved their armies on the border to control Mosul and Kirkuk on the pretext of exposure of Turkmen citizens of persecution and issued a statement by the Turkish parliament, "Turkey will not remain silent without attention to Kirkuk and Mosul !!

In 1987, when news spread about the intention of Iran to enter the province of Basra during the Iran-Iraq war, the Turkish press launched a  media campaign demanding the intervention of Turkey and the joining of Mosul and Kirkuk !! Claiming that the areas of Mosul and Kirkuk remained outside the Turkish National Charter of 1920, but Turkish President Turkut Ozal then commented on that, "Turkey does not need adventures."
after the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in 1990, the Turkish Prime Minister stressed the need for Turkey's intervention in Mosul, Kirkuk, and called for the oil of Mosul and Kirkuk and called them the word "grapping" !!
From 1991 to 2003, Turkish forces carried out repeated attacks even before their withdrawal. In 1995, Turkish President Suleiman Demirel demanded the redrew of the border with Iraq and the join Mosul and Kirkuk to Turkey !!

After 2003, Turkey dealt with the Kurdistan Democratic Party and held several agreements with it, the most important of which is the oil contracts under which the oil of the region is exported through the Turkish territory for a dollar for each barrel and that the deposit amounts of proceeds in Turkish banks !! And operates in the region 1023 Turkish companies!
Turkey sponsored terrorism and dealt with terrorist organizations as negotiating countries. In coordination with these organizations, it planned to restore Mosul. The Turkish consul's story in Mosul during the entry of mercenaries, together with consular staff who were returned to Turkey with high transparency and harm.
Not only that, but Turkey has begun to sell the oil looted from Iraq for the benefit of terrorist organizations at low prices; Russian intelligence has revealed details of the sale and purchase, not to mention the great facilities granted by Turkey to terrorist organizations through traffic through its territory and the provision of training camps and other financial facilities this is at the expense of the innocent blood of the Iraqi people and the fate of Iraq !!

Till this day Turkey is still preparing for the budget in the country to monitor the amounts (fake) to the state of Mosul and Kirkuk !!
What Turkey is seeking today is an attempt to reproduce the historical Mosul problem (1918-1926) in a new gown with different names, but the facts clearly indicate. Is Turkey serious about it, and in the interest of restoring the wheel of history and move or work to manage the problem again ?!

The threat of occupation Şengal
Turkey always sees Mosul as a part of Turkey and is cut off by force. Whenever possible, Turkey will reconsider the join of Mosul. Turkish leaders, when talking about Şengal, implicitly talk about Mosul and Kirkuk, Between the two cities, the Turkish media confirmed that among the Turkish targets to attack Şengal encirclement of northern Mosul and in front of Dohuk and Zakho, and pointed out that the launch of aggression on Şengal objective is to secure the crossing "Ufa Kui" border between Turkey and Iraq, which will replace the crossing "Vishkhabor" in town of Dohuk, where Turkey will be through this attack, secure line "Uva Koi" until Mosul in addition to "occupy Şengal ".

Şengal Triangle has historically an important strategic area that made it the focus of many conflicting forces and a place of ongoing conflict. It was a frontier zone of conflict and a power struggle (Roman-Sassani) and a place for religious conflict (Zardashti-Manuni-Christian) As this region represents an important location overlooking many places and countries in addition to its vast area and abundant geography that make it the center of many ambitions.
This triangle was also a target for mercenaries. The mercenaries launched an attack on Şengal and withdrew from them in the Kurdish Democratic Party of Kurdistan (KDP), which opened the way for IS mercenaries to commit massacres against Yezidi people.
After the security of Şengal mountains, the people began to organize themselves and form their own military forces and with the help of PKK they managed to liberate the city completely from a crowd at a time when the latter was receiving support from Turkey. Then Yezidis proclaimed Autonomous Administration, inspired by the democratic experience in the north Syria, which is concerned about authoritarian regimes such as the Turkish regime, Turkey started an aggression against Afrin.

Turkey's leader, Recep Teyyip Erdogan, is threatening to attack Şengal, but the Iraqi government and its officials have said they will fight what the officials called the "Turkish aggression" and say they will not stand idly by. Will the Iraqi government be satisfied with issuing statements such as the Syrian regime or will it stand against Turkish ambitions? This is what we will see in the coming days.