Ankara, its declaration of occupation to Başûr Kurdistan

The Kurdish writer Shirzad al-Yazidi confirmed that the emergence of the Turkish occupation army heavily armed in one of the villages controlled by the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Başûr Kurdistan and participating in a Ramadan Iftar, is "to clearly declare the occupation"

Ankara, its declaration of occupation to Başûr Kurdistan
13 June 2018   05:46


Armored vehicles, soldiers' carriers of the Turkish military forces in one of the villages of Soran district in Erbil province and the occasion, according to the Turkish army, is a friendly visit for the Ramadan Iftar with the villagers in the main mosque, in ridiculously outrageous, public hypocrisy.   

It is no secret that the Turkish occupation army, which has for many years has existed in the areas controlled by Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), has embarked on the occupation of Afrin and the threat of occupation Şengal, Makhmour and Qandil, in the last few months, to expand to approximately 30 km within the areas of influence of the Barzani Party and with the public approval of the latter, the Turkish ambitions in all the northern regions of Iraq and Syria, especially in Başûr and Rojava (south and west of Kurdistan) are not wonder discoveries, but they are a reality on the ground and this Iftar in Ramadan under the gun threat is the best witness.

But what is the purpose of this occupation review in the middle of a small Iraqi Kurdish village by an army whose hands have historically been stained with Kurdish blood not only in Bakur (northern Kurdistan) but in different parts of Kurdistan and the wounding of Afrin, the new bleeding is the best example in this regard ... The review of the armored vehicles, and the Turkish army in the midst of the Kurdish communities, villages and towns in Başûr (Kurdistan of Iraq) are familiar with what constitutes the preparation of dangerous scenarios that reach the limit of full or partial occupation of Başûr.

The purpose of all this heavy weapon is only to intimidate people and subjugate them by force as it was possible for officers and military Turks, who were transformed all of a sudden into angels and messengers of love and peace, to reduce the armed manifestations and visit that village with civil cars at least to take into account the feelings of the villagers and the reality of occupation.

Most of the villagers were forced to welcome the elements of the occupied army and even sit with the grey wolves and their local servants on the Iftar of Ramadan.