2 civilians kidnapped in occupied Afrin

Turkish intelligence and its mercenaries have kidnapped two civilians in occupied Afrin.

2 civilians kidnapped in occupied Afrin
26 June 2024   09:45

According to the Afrin- Syria Human Rights Organization, Turkish intelligence and its affiliated "Civil Police '' kidnapped Nigervan Mustafa Ali (37 years old), from the village of Ma'batli on June 22nd, from his home in the Mahmoudiya neighborhood of occupied Afrin.

The organization also reported that mercenaries of the "Military Police" kidnapped Adnan Nami (26 years old) from the village of Ain al-Hajar al-Kabir on June 13th, and his fate remains unknown.

The organization confirmed that Turkish occupation mercenaries continue to kidnap civilians from Afrin to extort their families and demand ransom for their release.
