Qatar; a new Ottoman base

The Qatari role in promoting the new Ottomanism and seeking power in Ankara’s bosom against the Arab capitals is clear, perhaps the establishment of a Turkish military base in Qatar was a clear message to the great capitals of the Gulf that Doha's association with the regional capitals to expand at the expense of Arab countries that Ankara or Tehran has become a reality on the ground.

Qatar; a new Ottoman base
29 April 2018   04:35


This is not the first time that Qatar has reserved on the condemnation of Arab foreign ministers during their preliminary meeting of the recent Arabic summit, Turkish occupation of large areas of North Syria and Iraq, especially after the occupation of Afrin, it had been reserved before the start of the Turkish invasion on a similar statement similar to Arab foreign ministers.

Indeed, the subversive role of Qatar in Syria, especially throughout the whole area, from Morocco to Gulf is not a secret, and perhaps the deepening crisis between it and the rest of Gulf Arab capitals is a witness.

Doha has been involved in the sponsorship and financing of terrorism since the era of Osama bin Laden base at the height of prosperity and Washington and New York attacks reaching al-Nusra and Daesh on the outbreak impact of the situation in Middle East and North Africa in this decade, and the so-called Arab Spring, especially in Syria.

Qatar was one of the most prominent investors in the war in the recognition of the former Qatari Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim, who revealed in figures how they paid tens of billions of dollars to manufacture the "opposition" in cooperation with Ankara, perhaps the two capitals most derailed the so-called Syrian revolution towards "militarization, Islamization and adaptation " options are al-Doha and Ankara, which have no less destructive role in Syria than Tehran role any way.

And the overlap of Doha with Iran sometimes and with Turkey at times and against the interests of Gulf and Arab public, does not need to discover, and the closest example here is public support politically, diplomatically and by media for the occupation of Ankara to Afrin and other areas of North Syria areas and its inclusion in the bloody deal between Ankara, Moscow and Tehran and the achievement of al-Assad regime, which said that Afrin versus Gout reveals how high the level of hypocrisy in Qatari policy is, which turned into a platform to promote new Ottoman and Muslim Brotherhood and Islamism currents in general which played side by side with the military regimes.

the most prominent role in blazing the flames of civil strife in the area and the so-called Arab Spring, which Doha bears not easy premium in aborting and turning it into a bloody autumn, Doha which has long claimed to work to overthrow al-Assad regime, is as silent as death to the Russian-Turkish-Iranian agreement to share influence in Syria. Then, the rehabilitation of the regime through the elimination of the remaining pockets outside his control even if the cost of that is chemical beating with an attempt to abort the experience of the North Syria federalism through the occupation of Afrin and seek to expand beyond it if it was made available to Ankara and those behind it with the aim of eliminating the only democratic experiment in this distressed Syria which through it, the various components of the North Syria and its people could enjoy consensus and partnership to build a federal system represents a recipe for national solution.

It is true that Qatar is almost microscopic and unobtrusive on the world map, but its dubious associations and its role in playing on the tendencies of Ottoman and Islamic Brotherhood expansionism play a more destructive role than its size, which will undoubtedly come back as investment in terrorism and expansionist forces, as experiences often prove to be overturned, if it were not for the practice of these dangerous roles and destructive behaviors, we would not have witnessed the boycott and the cessation of diplomatic relations from Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to Cairo.
