KDP should not serve enemies

The Middle East chessboard President Biden is inheriting

Dr. Thoreau Redcrow, an American global conflict analyst who specializes in geop...

Erdogan version of Sri Lankan model

Lavrov's statements do not to support in solving Syrian...

Bedran Çiya Kurd, Deputy Co-Chair of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Adm...

Predators conflict in Syria

The current situation in Idlib does not deviate from the general scene of the Sy...

Iraq owes to PKK

​​​​​​​Palme's murder and conspiracies that targeted Ku...

On February 28, 1986, the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and his wife were ki...

After stopping for more than 2 months ...   Girê Spî ca...

The Administration of Girê Spî displaced camp has returned to receiving the disp...

​​​​​​​Analysis: Russia waiting for opportunity for str...

Russia began thinking about getting rid of al-Assad in order to build a new lead...

Turkey mobilizing, regime getting ready, Russia escalat...

The Turkish army and its mercenaries are mobilizing in Idlib militarily, the Syr...

Following Truces and deals.. What happened in( de-escal...

 In the past few days, (de-escalation) attracted largely the attention, as  Russ...

​​​​​​​Where do international conflicts and crises take...

 The regime is strengthening its forces in the areas of (de-escalation) and prep...

​​​​​​​ From two old friends to two frmidable enemies: ...

 A new crisis has emerged between the United States and Iran, each accuses the o...

Turkey's regime is imminent to be collapsed, opposing e...

There is no doubt that Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime has entere...

Erdogan's goal is to empty Rojava from Kurds

The Turkish state continues its threats against the areas of northern and easter...

Why Erdogan rejects security mechanism?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long claimed that northern and easter...

Erdogan reveals his real intentions .. Occupation, demo...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has returned to threat and occupy norther...

International Forum on Daesh… onset for future steps

During the International Forum on Daesh, it became clear that Daesh case is an i...

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