Child brutally assaulted in occupied Afrin

Mercenaries from the “Hamzat Division,” affiliated with the Turkish occupation, brutally assaulted a child in occupied Afrin. Located in the North and East Syria region.

Child brutally assaulted in occupied Afrin
25 June 2024   11:03

Local sources from the area reported that mercenaries from the "Hamzat Division'' brutally assaulted 13-year-old Ahmed Mohou, from the village of Bleyliko in the city of Rajo, Afrin. The incident took place in the Al-Mahmudiyah neighborhood near the Industrial School.

The sources indicated that the assault caused the child severe psychological disturbances described by doctors and his family as "brain electrical disturbances.”

This incident sheds light on the ongoing atrocities committed by Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries against the remaining inhabitants of these regions, aiming to oppress them and displace them from their homeland, according to local reports.

On June 23, a mercenary named “Yusuf” from the Turkish occupation abducted and sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl from the village of Kabashin.

On May 15, mercenaries from the Turkish occupation kidnapped a 13-year-old girl from the Arabic tribe Al-Bobana in occupied Afrin.

On May 5, a child from Rajo in occupied Afrin suffered severe head injuries after being attacked by a sharp object by the settlers’ sons.

On April 15 of this year, Turkish occupation mercenaries brutally assaulted a child and a young man in occupied Afrin and seized their motorcycle.

On August 12, 2023, a member of the so-called “local council” under the Turkish occupation authorities, along with his son, abducted and raped a girl in Afrin canton. 
