​​​​​​​Feleknas Ûca: Victory over extermination will be on runoff 28th May

MP parliamentarian of HDP, Feleknas Ûca has confirmed that the strongest response to Turkey and Bakur Kurdistan (Northern Kurdistan) on the policies of extermination, obliteration and war of the Turkish Government will be on 28 May in the runoff of presidential elections.

​​​​​​​Feleknas Ûca: Victory over extermination will be on runoff 28th May
24 May 2023   21:41

On 14 May MP’s and presidential elections in Turkey and Bakur Kurdistan were held, and due to no presidential candidate won, it has been decided to hold runoff on 28 May.

ANHA’s interviewed with Feleknas Ûca, pointed out that all racist nationalists have been united against the Kurds and the need for everyone to vote for the defeat of fascism.

The response will be in runoff 28 May

She touched upon the second round of the elections, considered it as historical elections in which the first round witnessed a lot of tricks, schemes, pressures and obstacles saying;” Enough is enough of this government, this government launched many brutal attacks on the gains of the Kurdish people, and put several hurdles in their way and continued its threats and war’s policies against NE, Syria and Shengal through Turkish Interior Minister’s statements, seeking to encircle Makhmur camp this happens according to the Turkish desire, all these events do not happen by chance, and therefore these elections are accountability elections, and they represent the greatest response to these policies.  

She went on to say the Turkish occupation atrocities are increasing day by day in which large number of the people are being arrested on daily basis, they have started the policy of extermination and massacres in Northern Kurdistan once again, the members of our organizations are still captured, they seek to impose fear among people through these policies. So, these elections are considered between fascism and democracy. 

Feleknas Ûca pointed out that the bad and provocative language has reached its climax in the current Turkish election campaigns, as it has not witnessed any previous election campaign and said: "This is the first time that the electoral process has been conducted with all these shameful insults and harsh words. Absence of rights has not entered their agenda." And justice, and they competed in their electoral campaigns and during their mass assemblies, by focusing on anti-freedom movement, and they showed it as if these elections are taking place between the freedom movement and the Turkish state, and for this we call on our entire people to go to the elections and vote and defeat fascism on the 28th of the month.

T/ Satt.