Turkish occupation, its mercenaries sell occupied Afrin citizens' properties

The Turkish occupation forces, their mercenaries, and settlers continue to exploit the properties of those forcibly displaced from Afrin. A settler from the Aleppo countryside sold a house belonging to a citizen from Afrin to another individual, while a settler from Homs demanded a large sum of money for the return of a house to its owner.

Turkish occupation, its mercenaries sell occupied Afrin citizens' properties
23 July 2024   13:31

Settlers, who have been settled in Afrin by the Turkish occupation state, are trading in the properties of displaced individuals and committing crimes to intimidate the local population. This is part of their policy to detach Afrin from Syria and annex it to Turkey.

A local source reported that a settler named "Ahmed Al-Hajji" from Jabal al-Hos in eastern Aleppo sold a house belonging to the citizen Ismat Hannan from Sheikh Blla village in Rajo to another settler named "Mohammed Marai" from Jabal al-Hos as well, for $1,500 USD (treating the house as if he were the rightful owner).

The settler had seized the house after the Turkish occupation of Afrin and its mercenaries in 2018.

The same source also mentioned that a settler from Homs, affiliated with the "Eastern Commandos" mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state, demanded $4,000 USD from the citizen Jamal Hamid from Sheikhourz village in Bulbul to return his house located on Dirsim Hospital Street in occupied Afrin.

The crimes committed by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries in the occupied areas continue, including chaos, lack of security, murder, theft, looting, and internal conflicts over displaced individuals' properties and their exploitation.
