Darbasiya residents denounce isolation policies during demonstration

The residents of the city of Darbasiya in the NE Syria region criticized the position of international human rights organizations for their silence regarding the tight isolation of the leader Ocalan, imposed by the Turkish authorities, in Imrali prison.

Darbasiya residents denounce isolation policies during demonstration
Darbasiya residents denounce isolation policies during demonstration
Darbasiya residents denounce isolation policies during demonstration
Darbasiya residents denounce isolation policies during demonstration
Darbasiya residents denounce isolation policies during demonstration
Darbasiya residents denounce isolation policies during demonstration
21 July 2024   13:44

Hundreds of residents of the city of Darbasiya in Jazera Canton in the NE Syria came out today, to the squares, and expressed their rejection of the isolation imposed on the leader Ocalan, and the demand for his physical freedom, through a march within the framework of the global campaign launched in the same context.

The march, in which participants held pictures of leader Ocalan, and the flags of the Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union, was preceded by a banner reading "Freedom for leader Abdulah Ocalan, the solution to the Kurdish issue," started in front of the city's women's square.

As it arrived at the municipal roundabout, the participants chanted "There is no life without the leader", "Long live the leader", "No to international silence", "No to the silence of organizations", which turned into a mass rally, and a speech by the Democratic Union Party, co-chair Diyana Abdulah, was delivered.

 She criticized international human rights organizations, specifically those concerned with human rights of the United Nations, and held these parties responsible for the health of leader Ocalan, and the repercussions that isolation may entail.

And she stressed the need for human rights organizations to move and break their silence, and stressed the need not to rest until the physical freedom of leader Ocalan is achieved.

The march, demanding the physical freedom of the leader Ocalan, ended with "no life without the leader."
