Hawar news agency plan ANHA 7/24/2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 7/24/2024
24 July 2024   02:00

National figures denounced the absolute isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the renewed imposition of "disciplinary sanctions" against him, and stressed that achieving the leader's physical freedom requires popular resistance like the one shown by the leader in Imrali. (Video and photos attached).

It is known that World War I laid the foundation for the Sykes-Picot Agreement and divided the Middle East. Under the Treaty of Versailles, the countries that won the war divided the Middle East among themselves according to their interests.

The people of the city of Tirbespiyê in Jazira canton pointed out the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party by opening the way for Turkey to occupy southern Kurdistan, and stressed that the Guerrilla forces are the ones who protect the dignity and freedom of the Kurdish people. (Video and photos attached).

Since seeing pictures of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement's Guerrilla, she has dreamed and hoped to participate in defending her homeland one day, and this dream came true by joining with her husband and 7 of her sons and daughters on the fronts of defending the homeland. (Video and photos attached).

The Damascus government is moving to begin the process of lifting what it calls “government support” for goods and materials, and converting it to what it described as “cash support gradually,” which opens the way for many questions and repercussions, the most important of which is transforming the Syrian market into a free market with unknown aspects.

The Democratic Islam Conference will hold a dialogue forum entitled The Place and Importance of Religion in the System of a Democratic Nation, in the hall of the Cultural Center in the city of Raqqa at 10:00 (attached with video and photos)

The Popular Initiative and the families of the martyrs are organizing a demonstration denouncing the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the recent agreements on Basho Kurdistan. The demonstration will start from the Tal Sawsan Junction to the center of the local administration authority in al-Shahba, at 18:00 (video and photos attached).