National figures: Achieving physical freedom requires relentless efforts

National figures denounced the absolute isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the renewed imposition of disciplinary sanctions against him, stressing that achieving the leader's physical freedom requires popular resistance like the one shown by the leader in Imrali.

National figures: Achieving physical freedom requires relentless efforts
24 July 2024   03:01

On July 4, the Turkish authorities banned Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the other İmralı detainees from meeting with their families and lawyers for another three months, under the pretext of imposing “disciplinary sanctions” against them. No information of any kind has been received about the leader since March 2021.

In this regard, there have been frequent reactions denouncing the decision of the Turkish authorities and the absolute isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan. This was stated by veteran patriots, such as citizen Zalukh Jaafar, who affirmed that she would do everything required of her and the people who believe in Leader Abdullah Ocalan, in order to achieve the leader’s physical freedom.

Zaloukh stressed that the people who adhere to the leader’s ideology will not surrender to Turkey’s unjust decisions against him and that they will continue their resistance and struggle until their demand to see the leader among them is achieved.

Regarding international positions regarding the absolute isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan, Zaloukh denounced her shameful and irresponsible position, and saw it as evidence of her participation in imposing isolation.

Meanwhile, Zaloukh stated that when she heard about the kidnapping of leader Abdullah Ocalan on February 15, 1999 from the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, she went on a hunger strike for 18 days. She said, I have not gotten over the pain of the kidnapping of our leader until now. I wished at that time that a fire had broken out in my house before I received the news of his kidnapping.

Regarding Fikret Hanan, she demanded to know the status of leader Abdullah Ocalan, noting that she and all the faithful peoples provided only the tip of the iceberg of what the leader gave to his people.

For his part, Suleiman Arif explained that the absolute isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan does not occur without the isolation of the important authoritarian regime that seeks to keep the people under its control and block any path that opposes its interests and agendas, which is what Leader Abdullah Ocalan and his ideology that seeks to achieve the freedom of the peoples are fighting.

Suleiman Arif presented his self-criticism to Leader Abdullah Ocalan, for his inability so far to achieve his physical freedom, saying: “Our leader has remained in prison for a long time, while he should be among us and with us now.”

Referring to the positions of some Kurdish parties regarding the occupation and genocidal attacks against the Kurdish people, such as in Southern Kurdistan, Suleiman pointed out that those who have read the volumes of leader Abdullah Ocalan and delved deeply into his thought are well aware that administration and leadership are not rooted in positions and words, but are translated into practice.

Suleiman continued his speech by saying: “The difference is clear here between a leader who spends years of his life in prison in order to liberate his people and refuses to surrender to the demands of the occupier, while the other makes agreements with the enemies of the Kurds at the expense of their interests and the occupation of their lands without caring about the fate of Kurdistan.”

T/ Satt.