Syrian child subjected to racist attack in Turkey

A Syrian refugee child was attacked by Turkish racists in the Turkish city of Izmir, and his condition is critical.

Syrian child subjected to racist attack in Turkey
23 July 2024   14:59

The 15-year-old Izz al-Din al-A’asani fell into a coma after being attacked by Turkish racists in the Turkish city of Izmir.

Al-Arabiya Network, stated that the child, Izz al-Din al- A’asani, was residing with his family in the city of Kayseri, but he left with his family after the wave of violence that the Syrians faced there at the beginning of this month of July to the city of Izmir.

There, the child was attacked while he was working with his cousin in a car wash, as a result of which he suffered serious injuries, a brain hemorrhage, a fractured skull and nose, and broken teeth.

According to the Network, the child suffers from memory loss and can’t speak or see well. His family also received threats from the father of the attacker, saying that if they filed a complaint against his son, he would deport them and their injured son from the country.
