Monitoring Turkish occupation army drone' fall in S. Kurdistan

The fall of a drone of the Turkish occupation army was monitored, caught on fire, and crashed in the city of Dohuk in S. Kurdistan.

Monitoring Turkish occupation army drone' fall in S. Kurdistan
24 July 2024   09:52

Roj News quoted local sources, a number of residents of the Amadiya district in Dohuk, monitored the fall of a drone and caught fire.

It reported that the Turkish drone crashed in the village of Konai in the Amadiya district, causing fires in agricultural land and tree fields.

Villagers rushed to control the fire and prevent it from spreading to nearby areas.

According to preliminary information, "no casualties have been recorded so far, but the material damage is significant and includes agricultural land."

It was not known the reasons for the fall and crash of the drone, amid talk among the people about the possibility of its downing by the People Defense Forces, which are stationed in those areas and defend them in the face of the continuous attacks of the Turkish occupation state.

The Turkish occupation army, with the participation and assistance of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, is launching a large-scale offensive, ground and air, on the defense areas of Mediya and various areas of S. Kurdistan, occupying large areas of the city of Dohuk in particular, and displacing hundreds of families from their homes.

This is matched by a large response by the People Defense Forces in the defense areas of Mediya, where the Gêrîla shot down 3 helicopters and a number of drones of the Turkish occupation army, and eliminated dozens of its soldiers and military vehicles.
