People: Guerrilla forces are the ones who defend us

The people of the city of Tirbespiyê in Jazira canton pointed out the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in opening the way for Turkey to occupy Southern Kurdistan, and stressed that the guerrilla forces are the ones who protect the dignity and freedom of the Kurdish people.

People: Guerrilla forces are the ones who defend us
24 July 2024   05:31

The Turkish occupation state continues its incursion into the territory of southern Kurdistan with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which has sparked great popular resentment and indignation in North and East Syria, and calls have emerged to combat the occupiers and traitors.

The people of the city of Tirbespiyê in Jazira canton referred to the position of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and described it as “shameful,” and stressed that history will record who makes sacrifices and who brings occupiers to his land.

 “Citizen Nassim Murad pointed out that ‘the Turkish occupation is trying to penetrate Southern Kurdistan to occupy more lands and pass policies hostile to the Kurdish people.’

He continued: ‘Unfortunately, we find the Kurdistan Democratic Party colluding with the Turkish occupation in its occupation projects aimed at exterminating the Kurdish people, while the Guerrilla forces stand alone in the face of these policies.’”

Murad called on the Democratic Party to return to the unity of the Kurdish ranks and abandon its complicity with the occupiers, calling on all the Kurdish people to stand united in the face of the occupiers’ plans.

In her turn, citizen Dilber Suleiman noted that the guerrilla are the sons and daughters of the people of the region, and today they are showing heroic and historical resistance against the Turkish occupation, while another Kurdish party stands with it and supports it in its colonial projects.”

Dilber confirmed that the events unfolding in Southern Kurdistan are met with widespread condemnation, and everyone will stand against treason and occupation, regardless of the cost.

On his part, citizen Abdul Ghani Tami pointed out, for many years, Turkey has been attempting to eradicate the Kurdish people and eliminate their cause, going to all lengths for the sake of the occupation project.

 “It is shameful that a Kurdish party is participating in this policy against the Kurds,” he said.

Tammo stressed that “any of the Kurds who support the Turkish occupation will also be doomed to extermination, because Turkey uses them in its policies and will get rid of them if it succeeds in achieving them.”

He continued, “The guerrilla are resisting the occupiers in Kurdistan, and let everyone know, and whoever supports the occupation. If the guerrilla forces were not present, the Kurds would be in a miserable situation now.”

T/ Satt.