SDF arrests ISIS leader in Raqqa

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have arrested an ISIS leader in Raqqa during a security operation.

SDF arrests ISIS leader in Raqqa
23 July 2024   15:10

The SDF's media center issued a statement on its official website today, detailing the operation that led to the capture of a dangerous ISIS leader in Raqqa. The statement reads:

"As part of its ongoing operations against ISIS terrorist cells, the security and military operations center of our forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces, conducted a security operation in Raqqa city on Monday. The operation targeted the arrest of a high-profile ISIS leader.

The operation was carried out after our forces gathered sufficient information about the terrorist 'Hazem Suleiman Al-Jibn,' who is nicknamed as 'Abu Omar,' and identified his hiding place. We established a cordon around him and arrested him.

Terrorist Hazem originally comes from the town of Khasham in eastern Deir ez-Zor but was active in Raqqa, where he was responsible for the economy and financing for ISIS in the city and its countryside. He funded ISIS elements and cells with the necessary money for executing terrorist activities.

Our forces confirm that they will continue to pursue ISIS cells and elements until the last terrorist is eliminated in NE Syria, and will cut off all financial, human, and community support sources.”
