Syria on date with women's peace conference

The Syrian Women's Council is preparing to hold a women's peace conference in Syria, starting from NE Syria.

Syria on date with women's peace conference
Syria on date with women's peace conference
Syria on date with women's peace conference
Syria on date with women's peace conference
Syria on date with women's peace conference
Syria on date with women's peace conference
23 July 2024   14:28

The Syrian Women's Council informed women's organizations in the city of Hasaka in the NE Syria about the changes  that occurred to the internel system and the council's plan for the coming years.

The introduction to the new internal system came during a meeting held by the Syrian Women’s Council in the city of Hasaka with women’s organizations and women in political parties, after the council’s conference held last May.

Focus was also placed on the new committees that were created within the Council, “the Youth Committee, the Committee for Documenting Violations against Women, and the Camps Committee,” and introducing the new Council coordinators.

On the sidelines of the meeting, the spokeswoman for the Syrian Women’s Council in the city of Qamishlo, Makiya Hasso, told ANHA agency about the importance of this step, “in implementation of the outcomes of our conference held last May, and to introduce our next work plan, first and foremost the conference that we are preparing for.”

She stressed the work on a women's peace conference at the level of Syria, which came within the outcomes of the recent Syrian Women's Council conference.
