50 Syrian refugees from Lebanon reach Syria's Raqqa

7 families of Syrian refugees in Labanon arrived in the city of Raqqa, and the families confirmed that: "The areas of the Autonomous Administration were our destination, according to AANES's initiative."

50 Syrian refugees from Lebanon reach Syria's Raqqa
24 May 2023   10:02

The Autonomous Administration launched an initiative to receive refugees and displaced persons from Lebanon and Sudan, and expressed its willingness to receive them and provide them with the necessary support.

Yesterday, 7 families, comprising 50 people, including women and children, arrived in the al-Hukoumiya camp located in the northern countryside of Raqqa, most of them from the occupied city of Girê Spi/Tal Abyad.

ANHA agency met with Hamad Al-Sheikh, one of those deported from Lebanon, where he noted: "Since Turkey's occupation of our regions, I went with my family to Lebanon, and after we settled there and found work, we were surprised when the Lebanese army began to deport the Syrian refugees."

Al-Sheikh explained, "We left behind everything we owned. I had 12 head of cattle. I couldn't even sell them. They deported us with only the clothes we were wearing."

Al-Sheikh stated: "Our destination was the areas of the Autonomous Administration, as it was the initiative to embrace and receive us. The Raqqa Civil Council received us and provided us with all the supplies, and we are now in al-Hukoumiya camp in the northern countryside of Raqqa."

In turn, Aisha Al-Khalil said: "12 years ago, my family and I, consisting of 9 people, were in Lebanon, until the Lebanese army raided the camp and deported us. We had work wages in the workshops we were working in, but we were unable to get them"

Al-Khalil denounced the Lebanese army's treatment of Syrian refugees and the methods used against them, adding: "After we were raided at night, my children, my husband and I were deported outside the Syrian borders."

Aisha Al-Khalil indicated that any Syrian arrested by the Lebanese army is deported, without taking into account his circumstances, whether he is wanted by the Damascus government or for compulsory military service.

The members of the commune in al-Hukoumiya camp confirmed that the Raqqa Civil Council and the Social Affairs and Labor Committee will provide everything that the deported families need.



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