Specialists: Continuation of isolation is a continuation of the 1999 plot

Politicians and human rights activists have analyzed the reasons for the continued isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, stressing that it is an attempt by the capitalist regime to achieve what it failed to achieve through the international conspiracy that was planned against him in 1999. It is one of the largest plots against those who have free thought and philosophy.

Specialists: Continuation of isolation is a continuation of the 1999 plot
23 May 2023   20:45

For more than two years, leader Abdullah Ocalan has been prevented from all communication with the outside world. He has been detained in Imrali prison for more than 24 years, despite popular anger among those who believe in his ideas against the policy of isolation imposed by the Turkish authorities.

Political and human rights analysts believe that the continued isolation imposed in Imrali is an attempt by capitalism to achieve what it failed to achieve through the international conspiracy that was planned against it in 1999, given the demands of leader Abdullah Ocalan for freedom and democracy for all peoples.


A member of the Future Syria Party, Abdul Qadir Al-Hussein, confirmed that the plot against the leader Abdullah Ocalan is one of the biggest plots against those with free thought and philosophy, as the capitalist countries sought to continue consolidating the division of peoples, through the arrest of the leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Abdul Qadir Al-Hussein indicated that the capitalist regimes are working hard to create loopholes and wars in society, in order to achieve their gains and ambitions and keep them under the yoke of slavery, and that the arrest of leader Abdullah Ocalan comes in the context of limiting the struggle for the liberation of man and society from slavery.

And Al-Hussein stated: "From inside the solitary cell, and despite all the pressures, the leader Abdullah Ocalan was able to spread his thought and communicate it to all peoples. Today, peoples believe that his ideas are a solution to their issues."

Al-Hussein stressed the failure of isolation, and that believers in the thought of the leader Abdullah Ocalan were able, through many experiences, to thwart the plans that targeted them, citing the experience of the people of North and East Syria through the Autonomous Administration project inspired by his ideas, and their ability to confront the policies of the Turkish occupation state and its ambitions in the North and East Syria, as well as in the face of extremism and terrorism.


By arresting the leader Abdullah Ocalan and the isolation imposed on him, the Turkish authorities are violating all international covenants, treaties and norms stipulated by human rights and international organizations concerned with human rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued in 1948, according to human rights activist Imad Al-Ahmad, and considering the treaties as a result of that mere ink on paper.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an important historical document in the history of human rights, was formulated by representatives from different legal and cultural backgrounds from all over the world, and was adopted by the General Assembly in Paris on December 10, 1948, by virtue of Resolution 217, as the common standard that all peoples and nations should aim for.

The jurist saw ending the isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and liberating him physically, as a way to liberate man from slavery, injustice and tyranny, and liberate women, and he considered them the basic principles of life without which life cannot be established.

T/ Satt.