SDF Commander's dialogue garnered widespread resonance within Damascus govt

The statement by the Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Mazloum Abdi, regarding the continued openness of the North and East Syria to dialogue with all parties, including the Damascus government, in a Syrian-Syrian dialogue, was echoed in several media outlets, including a newspaper close to the latter.

SDF Commander's dialogue garnered widespread resonance within Damascus govt
24 July 2024   17:09

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has consistently announced its openness to dialogue with the Damascus government, expressing readiness for a process that serves the interest of a political solution in Syria, particularly in the context of restoring occupied Syrian territories. Abdi reiterated this stance in a recent lengthy dialogue with ANHA's agency, published yesterday.

Abdi stated: We are open to meetings with all Syrians and regional and international powers interested in the Syrian file. We believe that the Syrian problem cannot be solved by war. It is enough. There has been a war for 12 years; it is impossible to find a solution in this way. The solution cannot be achieved through security methods, it must be achieved through dialogue. Of course, the dialogue will not only be with the Syrian regime, but with all parties. If the people currently in Idlib, Afrin, and other occupied places are open to dialogue and accept our basic condition, then we are open to dialogue.

It is noteworthy in this context that the Autonomous Administration put forward an initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis on April 18, 2023, consisting of several points. These included a fair distribution of natural resources and wealth, a call on Arab countries and the United Nations to engage in efforts to resolve the crisis, an emphasis on the unity of Syrian territories and recognition of the rights of the components, and a stress on the need for the solution to not conflict with UN Resolution 2,254.

Today, this firm position in the North and East Syria, represented by dialogue with all parties, particularly with the Damascus government, is echoed in the newspaper close to the Damascus government, “al-Watan.”

The newspaper published a report on the situation in Syria, entitled “It announced that it is open to dialogue with Damascus and has faith in reaching a solution,” accompanied by a description of a Kurdish figure close to the Damascus government, who stated that the openness is a step in the right direction.

The newspaper’s spokesman, Omar Osi, described the emphasis on openness and readiness for dialogue as “important, positive, and a step in the right direction,” expressing his wish that the dialogue would begin immediately between the two sides and that it would include all Kurds. He argued that the Kurdish issue is a Syrian national issue that will be resolved through the Syrian-Syrian dialogue in Damascus.

He said, Although the previous rounds of dialogue between the SDF and Syrian government officials in Damascus did not result in any agreement on controversial issues, nor did they produce any positive political results over the past years, the statements of Brother Mazloum Abdi, the leader of the SDF, towards Damascus and the request to continue the dialogue and the possibility of an agreement with the Damascus government, is important, positive, and a step in the right direction, in light of the regional developments in the region, especially the rumored possibility of a Turkish-Syrian rapprochement and normalization of the situation between Ankara and Damascus.”

He also pointed out that the Syrian Kurds do not trust Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statements or his words, describing him as good at pragmatism and playing on the ropes, while discussing Erdogan's statements about being open to restoring relations with the Damascus government.

He pointed out that Erdogan's government, since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, has caused the destruction of infrastructure in Syria, demographic change, terrorism, murder, and massacres.

The latest emphasis by the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria on its firm position in its readiness for any Syrian-Syrian dialogue and dialogue with the Damascus government to reach a solution to the Syrian crisis came within a statement by the deputy co-chairmanship of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration, Hassan Kochar, to ANHA's agency, published on the 3rd of July.

T/ Satt.