Arab clan’s council in Şengal calls on Iraqi Government to take decisive stance against Turkish attacks

The Arab Clans Council called on the Iraqi government to protect its sovereignty against the attacks of the Turkish occupation state, and stressed that these attacks at this time aim to prevent the return of the displaced to their homes in Şengal.

Arab clan’s council in Şengal calls on Iraqi Government to take decisive stance against Turkish attacks
23 May 2023   14:14

A person was martyred and a fighter in the Şengal Resistance Units was injured when a Turkish occupation army drone bombed a house in the village of Khalk in Şengal district.

In condemnation of the bombing and the silence of the Iraqi government towards the occupation's violation of Iraqi sovereignty, members of the Arab Clans Council gathered today in Şengal district in front of the house that was bombed.

And the Arab Clans Council issued a statement to the public opinion, in which it called on the UN Security Council to stop the Turkish violations towards Şengal district.

At the outset of the statement, the Arab Clans Council in Şengal denounced and denounced the repeated Turkish attacks on Şengal district, and the Council also denounced the silence of the Iraqi government towards these violations and the repeated Turkish violations against Şengal.

It added, "We are now at the site of the accident or at the site of the bombing that was targeted this morning, and we say that this place is empty and there are no military forces in it. Rather, it is a place for shepherds, and this bombing has spread fear among the people."

The Council affirmed that the bombing hinders the movement of the return of the displaced to Şengal, adding, "The bombing is planned to prevent the return of the displaced to their homes and aims to stabilize the city."

It continued, "We, as an Arab component in Şengal, have good relations and brotherly relations with all components."

The Council considered these attacks another genocide against the people of Şengal, especially against the Yazidi Community.

T/ Satt.