United Nations: 3,162 Syrian refugees return from Jordan

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) announced that 3,162 Syrian refugees have returned to their country from Jordan since the beginning of the year. This represents a 63% increase compared to the same period last year.

United Nations: 3,162 Syrian refugees return from Jordan
24 July 2024   17:36

Jordan has hosted over 1.3 million Syrians since the Syrian crisis began in 2011. As of the end of June 2023, over 628,000 Syrian refugees were registered with the UNHCR in Jordan.

A survey conducted by the United Nations last year found that 97% of Syrian refugees in Jordan participating in the study did not intend to return to their country within the next 12 months. However, nearly a quarter of those who declined to return within a year expressed a desire to return to Syria within the next five years.

Factors influencing the decision to return include safety, security, livelihoods, employment opportunities, access to basic services, and housing conditions in Syria. 

T/ Satt.