KNK is relentless struggle to achieve the unity of Kurdish rank

The Kurdistan National Congress is a Kurdish national institution that has been striving for 24 years to unite the Kurdish and Kurdish ranks in the four parts of Kurdistan and in the diaspora.

KNK is relentless struggle to achieve the unity of Kurdish rank
23 May 2023   21:23

The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) was established on May 24, 1999, at the suggestion of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and assumed the responsibility for the unity of the Kurdish ranks. It was officially announced on May 26, 1999, with the participation of more than 500 political, cultural, social and academic personalities from the four parts of Kurdistan and abroad.

Before the establishment of the Kurdistan National Congress, and in April 1995, the Parliament of Kurdistan Abroad (PKDW) was formed. Its activity was intensely directed towards Northern Kurdistan, and it did not meet the main goal of achieving Kurdish unity; Therefore, the leader Abdullah Ocalan, while he was in Italy and meeting with a number of Kurdish and Kurdish political and national figures, proposed the establishment of an entity that works to unify the Kurdish ranks, to gather the Kurdish and Kurdish organizations, according to which, a general conference was held in December 1998 in Brussels, during which it was discussed How to walk in the first steps in order to establish the entity.

The conference was scheduled to officially establish the entity on Newroz 1999, but the international conspiracy against the leader Abdullah Ocalan, on February 15, 1999, postponed the efforts and endeavors to establish it, and after the arrest of the leader Abdullah Ocalan and in the first meeting with a female lawyer in April 1999 He asked whether it was established or not, so a Preparatory Committee was formed from the political forces and Kurdish national personalities in order to hold a general conference that includes everyone.

The Preparatory Committee met with most of the Kurdish and Kurdish parties and forces, but some parties made it clear that they were not ready to hold such a conference. Therefore, the Kurdistan National Congress sought, during the first and second decades, to increase the sense of patriotism and nationalism and unite the ranks to confront the dangers threatening the Kurdish and Kurdish people, and was able, to a large extent, to unify the ranks of the Kurdish people in many Kurdish issues, and perhaps the resistance of Kobani, and the bravery of the Kurdish people in Shengal, Makhmur and Kirkuk in the face of ISIS, and then the Resistance of the Age in Afrin and the general rally of the Kurdish people and Kurdistan today, around the People’s Defense Forces is a good example of that.

In addition to its continuous efforts to unite the Kurdish ranks, the Kurdistan National Congress seeks to achieve the unity of the peoples and components of Kurdistan, and wants the Assyrians, Syriacs, Armenians, Turkmens and Arabs to join this umbrella.

The conference is the product of a hundred years of struggle

The efforts of the Kurdistan National Congress to draw up a joint Kurdish strategy continue to the present day, and the co-chair of the conference, Ahmed Qarmous, confirms in an exclusive statement to ANHA’s agency: "The establishment of the Kurdistan National Congress came after a long and great struggle of the Kurdish people that spans a hundred years."

After Kurdistan was divided according to the Lausanne Agreement into four parts, the Kurdish people rose up against the colonial countries, for the sake of their freedom and national rights, and although most of those uprisings were brutally suppressed, such as the uprising of Sheikh Saeed and Dersim, the uprising of Sayyid Raza (Rida), and Qazi Muhammad, the Kurdish people did not stand idly by, and with the emergence of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, it doubled its struggle in this regard.

Ahmed Qarmous explained: "There were opportunities for the Kurdish people to establish the institution (Kurdistan National Congress), but the conditions remained an obstacle in front of the Kurdish people." He noted: "On May 24, 1999, efforts were unified and the establishment of the Kurdistan National Congress was announced with the participation of political and social parties and organizations. And cultural and national personalities in Kurdistan and in the diaspora, with the aim of protecting the national and national interests of the Kurdish and Kurdistan people alike.

Objectives of the Kurdistan National Congress

Ahmed Qarmous confirmed that the announcement of the establishment of the conference came late, and the reason is the international conspiracy that affected the leader Abdullah Ocalan on February 15, 1999, and indicated: "The main goal of establishing the Kurdistan National Congress is to unify the Kurdish ranks in the first place, to be an inclusive umbrella for all forces and organizations." Kurdish political, social and cultural.

Over the past 24 years, the Kurdistan National Congress has worked tirelessly on the level of national unity and the search for a joint national strategy that protects Kurdish gains. The work of the Kurdistan National Congress can be evaluated according to several sections, the first; His continuous efforts to unite the Kurdish ranks around a unified Kurdish national strategy, and the second; Protecting the Kurdish culture and language and working to teach it within the official schools in Kurdistan; Because the colonial countries sought and are seeking to exterminate the Kurdish culture and language, and thus deny the existence of the Kurdish people in general.

In the political and diplomatic field, the Kurdistan National Congress played a prominent role in shedding light on the Kurdish and Kurdish issues. Ahmed Qarmous stressed: "Kurdistan is occupied by four countries, and these countries are partners of the world countries, including one of the countries that signed the Lausanne Agreement." He explained Their main goal in this field is to expose these policies to global public opinion and societies.

One of the most important goals of the Kurdistan National Congress is to work to obtain official recognition of the people and the Kurdish cause from global international institutions such as the United Nations, and to cooperate, coordinate and support all Kurdish institutions and organizations in the diaspora, and because the Kurdish society is a diverse society, and there are several components within it, such as Syriacs, Armenians, Arabs and Turkmen, in addition to several religions and sects, the conference seeks to consolidate the bonds of love and coexistence throughout Kurdistan, in accordance with democratic principles and foundations and in a way that protects the rights of the Kurdish people and the rights of all other components.

The importance of the Kurdistan National Congress

The Kurdistan National Congress is the umbrella for most of the Kurdish powers, parties, entities, and organizations in Kurdistan. It organizes itself in the four parts of Kurdistan and in the diaspora, and strives to unify the visions in the four parts of Kurdistan, and thus unite the general Kurdish people in Kurdistan and the diaspora.

The conference supports the intellectual and ideological diversity of the Kurdish and Kurdish forces, provided that they do not conflict with the national and national goals of the Kurdish people and the Kurdish strategy, and do not lead to quarrels and rivalries between them. He also supports the liberation forces in Kurdistan that fight for the freedom and rights of the Kurdish people.

The Kurdistan National Congress denounces the preference of any Kurdish forces, party or entity for its personal interests over national interests and cooperation with the occupiers and enemies of the Kurdish cause. Ahmed Qarmous emphasized: "No Kurdish forces should cooperate with the enemies in order to weaken other Kurdish forces, whatever the reasons."

Qarmous expressed his regret over what happened in the past fifty years: "Unfortunately, as a result of the weakness of the patriotism of some Kurdish forces, there have been quarrels that have reached the point of rivalry and clashes."

Ahmed Qarmous affirmed that the Kurdistan National Congress is a Kurdish national institution that struggles with the sake of the Kurdish people in its four parts and in the diaspora, and respects the rights of all peoples and components residing in Kurdistan and seeks to protect them, their culture and their full rights according to the foundations and principles of the democratic nation.

Qarmous noted that their work continues in the national and political field, language development and protection of Kurdish culture, and stressed: "In the history of the Kurdistan people and to the present day, no institution such as the Kurdistan National Congress was established, and we are convinced that this institution will become the property of all Kurdistanians, regardless of their political and intellectual orientation religious and even national.

Ahmed Qarmous stressed that the Kurdistan National Congress is an institution that does not belong to a particular party or entity, but rather it is a Kurdish national institution that inclusive of all segments of Kurdish society, and everyone has the right to belong to this institution, and he noted: "Yes, until now, it does not represent all segments of Kurdish society, but we strive to reach to the desired goal.

He blessed the struggle of the Kurdistan National Congress all the Kurdish people, including the Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians, Armenians and Turkmen, and stressed: "Victory is inevitably coming. The Kurdish people are in dire need to unite the ranks and protect their gains."

T/ Satt.