What does Turkish state want from Kurds?

What does Turkish state want from Kurds?
9 June 2021   05:35


Since the 23rd of April, the Turkish occupation state has expanded its attacks on the areas of Metina, Avaşîn and Zap. These attacks are occurring deep in the territory of Başûr Kurdistan. It is clear that the goal of the Turkish occupation state is to strike the Guerrilla Forces on the one hand, and to be completely stationed in the depths of Başûr Kurdistan on the other hand. Turkish state's officials do not hide this matter, but unfortunately, PDK officials are doing everything they can to hide this fact.

In the face of these attacks, the Guerrilla Forces are showing an unparalleled resistance. The Turkish state thought that it would occupy that region in a short period of time and declare its victory. But this did not happen. Guerilla fighters for years have been making preparations in the region to confront the occupation, and now these preparations are bringing good results.

What is the Turkish state's goal?

Since the establishment of the Turkish state, it has seen Kurds as a great danger to it, and all its policies are proceeding on this basis. One of these policies is the outbreak of Kurdish-Kurdish fighting. Not only in the history of the Turkish state's policy, but in the history of the Ottomans' policy as well, this policy was used to eliminate Kurds, and the Kurds at the time did not read this policy well. This was pushing Kurds towards extinction.

From a military point of view, the Turkish state is seeking, as a first step, to station at a depth of 60 km from Zaxo to Qandil. This means occupying part of the territory of the Southern Kurdistan Region. In the second step, if the political conditions permitted, it would concentrate in all the lands of Başûr Kurdistan, including a part of Mosul and Kirkuk. If this does not happen militarily, this will be implemented effectively from an intelligence point of view. Here, Turkey wants to give a big role to Turkmens. In this policy also the PDK paves the way.

We must read the statements of Turkish state's officials well. According to Turkish officials, "the mistake they made in northern Iraq (Southern Kurdistan) will not be made in northern Syria." According to Turkish state's officials, the presence of the Southern Kurdistan Region was the result of a wrong policy on their part, but they will not repeat this mistake. In the independence referendum of the Southern Kurdistan Region in 2017, it also appeared that the Turkish state is not hostile to one party, but rather sees all Kurds as a threat to it and does not allow them to obtain their rights anywhere.

A short time later, the Turkish state understood that it is not able to fight in the Kurdistan Mountains, where Guerrillas made good preparations. It was not able to fight against Guerrillas and is suffering heavy losses in the land war. Now the Turkish state is looking for a way to reduce its losses and is looking for allies. Therefore, it is using Syrian mercenaries, but this is not enough, so it is adopting the policy of igniting Kurds against each other.

PDK role is to stay alone

It is clear that the Turkish state is locked in the war and is looking for other ways to survive; one of them is an attempt to create a war among Kurds. Currently, Turkey is putting all its power to create this fighting, and PDK says that it is ready for that.

But the Kurdish people are not willing to enter into the Kurdish-Kurdish war, and they stand against this war with all their might.

But the Turkish state and PDK have been working for a while to prepare the ground for this fighting. Therefore, the Turkish state is asking PDK to inflict strikes on the Guerrilla Forces and weaken PKK, and it is deluding them that it will open a place for them in parts of Kurdistan and they will make them the addressees not only in Başûr Kurdistan, but also in Rojava and Northern Kurdistan as well. Turkey also claims that it will help PDK to be the strongest force in the entire Federal Region. That is, it means the overthrow of the Kurdistan Patriotic Union. The policy of deception that has been practiced against Kurds for years is still going on, and the Kurdish people always fall victim to these policies.

The goal of PDK is to create civil war, as the Turkish state is pursuing a malicious policy of using PDK to fight PKK. It seems that PDK officials have been hyped by the occupying and fascist Turkish state's false promises, so they have recently entered Turkey's conspiracies and schemes.

Guerrilla strikes, Turkey receives blows

Guerrilla fighters settled in the depths of Kurdistan Mountains and made the area an impenetrable fortress. On the other hand, they use all types and methods of fighting together, especially the strikes via drones that dealt of the Turkish occupation's soldiers painful blows. This military method was used not only in Başûr Kurdistan, but also in Northern Kurdistan. In addition, the Guerrilla Forces did not leave the areas in which the Turkish occupation forces were stationed, but on the contrary, they inflict strikes more effectively on the occupation soldiers closely. This stunned the Turkish occupation, so the Turkish occupation state resorted to dirty methods and used chemical weapons against the People's Defense Forces.

People must no leave Guerrillas alone

In fact, the Kurdish people stand with the Guerrilla Forces everywhere. Their hearts beat for Guerrillas as they see their victories, but that alone is not enough today, as the Kurdish people and the democratic forces must be on the side of the Guerrilla Forces in all regions and participate in the struggle in all its forms. The Kurdish people of Başûr Kurdistan in particular must break the siege imposed by PDK on Guerilla fighters, and seize all the bases of the Turkish occupation state in Başûr. This will be a major step on the path to achieving Kurdish unity. Such a step will be of great help to the people of Northern Kurdistan as well.