Karayilan: Recent Turkish movements aim to lay siege to Guerrilla

The Member of the Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, Murat Karayilan said that the recent Turkish movements aim to lay siege to Guerrilla with the complicity of the KDP and the Iraqi state.

Karayilan: Recent Turkish movements aim to lay siege to Guerrilla
29 June 2024   13:03

KCK's Murat Karayilan spoke to Voice of the People Radio (Dengê Gel), highlighting Turkey's attempts from its recent movements in Southern Kurdistan.

He made the point clear that the Turkish army deployed and set up barriers to check and verify identities on the road between Bamaren and Kani Masi.

He pointed out that the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Iraqi state are paving the way for besieging the Guerrilla areas.

