Co-chair of PYD explains party’s stance on any agreements regarding Syria

The co-chair of the Democratic Union Party stressed the party’s rejection of any type of agreement that is not in the interest of the Syrian people, and does not lead to meeting their aspirations to achieve their legitimate rights, in reference to the recent rapprochement between Turkey and the Damascus government.

Co-chair of PYD explains party’s stance on any agreements regarding Syria
29 June 2024   18:03

On Saturday, the co-chair of the Democratic Union Party, Asia Abdullah, indicated the party’s position on the return of talk about discussions between the Turkish occupation state and the Damascus government during her speech at the party council conference held in the city of Qamishlo, under the slogan “Organization and protection are the basis for building a free democratic political society.”

After discussing what the world is witnessing in terms of the struggle of powers for influence in various fields, and what the Middle East is witnessing in particular, from the proxy war and its reaching the point of war between those powers to direct confrontation, to what is being talked about and hinted at for discussions between the Damascus government and the Turkish occupation state.

Asia Abdullah explained that the region is subject to a systematic policy against the will of the people and democratic projects. She noted that divisive plans are targeting Syria that the world powers in Syria would like to stabilize them, and that the legitimate Syrian people have the right to stand against the violations and conspiracies targeting them.

She pointed out that the forces that call themselves guarantor forces should not be relied upon, and the choice is always the line of equality and democracy.

She also stressed that the solution in Syria lies in ending the Turkish occupation of the areas occupied by Turkey, starting with Afrin, Serêkaniyê/ Ras al-Ain, Girê Spi/Tal Abyad, and the rest of the Syrian regions.

Referring to the party’s position, Asia Abdullah said: “All agreements that occur outside the interests of our people and oppose our revolution, we will fight against them and do not support any agreement that does not serve the interest of our people. Any agreements without liberating the areas occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries are rejected by us, so our goal is to the highest degree.” The first is to liberate our occupied lands and return the displaced to their homes.”

Other than that, they are considered agreements that serve agendas other than what the Syrian people seek, and are considered against the will and aspirations of the Syrian people.

Asia Abdullah pointed out that the regions of North and East Syria are going through a sensitive stage, and the people of the region must raise the pace of struggle to stand up to all external agendas aimed at ending the democratic nation project, and whose model is the Democratic Autonomous Administration.

She stressed during her speech that by relying on the will and strength of the people, we will achieve the goals for which we are fighting.

The conference of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Council continues, closed to the media, after the end of the speech of the party’s co-chair, Asia Abdullah, in order for the organizational report to be read, and 23 male and female members representing the party’s council in Qamishlo to be elected to the general conference.

It is worth noting that the Democratic Union Party (PYD) is preparing to hold its 10th general conference in the North and East Syria, by holding its councils in cities and provinces in expanded meetings, and information indicates that the general conference will be held in October of this year.

T/ Satt.