Shengal- a Path and a Battleground

Shengal- a Path and a Battleground
17 March 2021   06:40

Xaled Ermish

Though the Turkish State was formed and though Iraq was formally handed over in the Ankara Treaty of 1926, nevertheless the Milli System was not put into oblivion and it has always found a pretext to interfere in others' issues throughout the century. 

After Iraq was invaded in 2003 and the dethronement of the Saddam Husain dictatorship, the newly introduced Federal System impinged upon Turkey, rather with the creation of ISIS and the destruction caused and the fall of Mosul, and the formation of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, all revived the Turkish dream to reach Mosul again on which the Turkish State, echoing the Milli System, time and again insisted on taking part in the Mosul liberation operation from ISIS, the Turkish State was well knowing that ISIS won't remain in Mosul for a long and that the operation for the liberation of the city would commence, for this, it set up a bastion in Ba'shiqa, and formulated the so-called National Mobilization Forces and installed Nujaifi, the former Mosul governorate as a head to the force, then it used the Kurdistan Democratic Party for this aim, Turkey, disregarding all the international pressure and initiatives undertaken by the Iraqi Federal Government, did not withdraw from Ba'shiqa.   

Though Turkey did not take part in the Mosul Liberation Operation, it has never renounced it's aim, on this, it strengthened ties with PDK in the aftermath of the Mosul campaign, and it concentrated more in Kirkuk under the clock of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, putting Shengal on the target pretending that is targets the Kurdistan Workers' Party that entered the region to liberate and give protection to Shengal that was inflicted with the unbearable ISIS tragedy, the intervention that changed the balance power, for the fight against ISIS changed immeasurably stances towards the Kurdistan Workers' Party. 

In this relation, the Rojava Kurds, in association with the region's components to defeat ISIS, that was finalized in Baghouz in Deir Ezzor.

Observing this, the Turkish State presered it’s antagonism to the Kurdish people under the guise of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, for this it insisted to regain the Mili System taking the Kurdistan Democratic Party as a main supporter both to Erdogan and the Turkish policies as statements made by Nicervan Barzani explicitly corroborate this policy'' the Kurdistan Workers' Party is an occupying force in Shengal'', to this the Kurdistan Workers' Party announced that their fighters had withdrawn from Shengal in 2018, to put into the lie all Turkish pretexts to refrain from occupying Shengal, that poses the most easiest ways if wanted to occupy Mosul via collaboration with the local powers stirring emotions against the Kurdistan Workers' Party.  

The second aim of the Turkish policy to occupy Shengal is to bring into destruction the Rojava Revolution, in the case Shengal is encircled, the whole area extending from Shengal and the Tel Kocer border crossing then onto Semalka would be taken under control, that is disconnecting Rojava, Western Kurdistan, from Basure, Southern Kurdistan, that remains the main obsession, to which the visit paid by Nasr Hariri to Hewler discharges into this process.

As mercenary groups were sent by Turkey into Libya, Kharabakh and Yemen it tries to send them via Hariri's not onto this line alone rather to Mount Gara and the other Medya Defence Zones,  as available information signify that preparations are under way to send those onto the Haftanine region.

The main objective of the Shengal Agreement, October 9th, 2020, under the Kurdistan Workers' Party is to occupy Shengal, and though the agreement was signed between the Iraqi Federal Government and the PDK the whole process was done under the superintendence of the Turkish State, and since okayed by the PDK and the Turkish State,  it was okay by the UN and the international powers.

Again, in compliance with the Turkish policies to reach to Mosul and to revive the Milli System, Yazidis were put on the altar of the interests of the international due to it's hostile policies to Iran, that observes all these developments, that delayed the Iraqi response all owing to the resistance put up by Yazidis and the international public opinion and the role played by Iran in this way for it deduced the threats posed to it's presence in Iraq to which it responded by sending the Popular Mobilization Forces onto Shengal that was met with discontent from the part of Turkey, but in the actual reality this appeases neither parts concerned  for they never view Iran with easing eyes in Shengal.

From it's part, Iran, owing to the aggravating situation it faces in Syria, it seeks to open a new horizon via Shengal, that is a path to Syria, Iran well knows that in case it's path between Syria and Iraq disconnected Shengal would fall under PDK and Turkish control the way that makes Shengal a battleground for both regional and international powers, to annihilate the Yazidi Kurds.

Via Iraq, Iran puts into practices it's policies, and tries to lay hands on Shengal and to control the region at large with the aim to keep open the Iraq-Syrian border from one hand and from another to stand up to all means that obstruct it's moves in Iraq, in case it's intentions to control Shengal via the Popular Mobilization Force see light, Turkey would lose aspects of becoming true it's pent -up dreams to control Tal Afar and Mosul. 

Shengal, that is both strategically and geographically important, in a confluence stretching between Syria, Iraq and Turkey, and the access to Mosul and Kirkuk, as well as to Rojava, since 2014 all powers are trying to control it, for it is the link that connects Rojhilat, Eastern Kurdistan, Southern Kurdistan, Northern Kurdistan and Western Kurdistan all together, just merely for their benefits without paying regard to the will of Yazidis and their ancestral home, Shengal, holders of this land have the right to self-determination.
