Abdullah Ocalan: Self-protection is universal right

Abdullah Ocalan: Self-protection is universal right
17 May 2021   20:53

Self-protection is a security policy for the moral and political community, while society loses its value if it is unable to protect itself. Where societies are colonized and left to collapse, or they will resist and acquire their own moral and political characteristics. This project is called self-protection, and societies that seek self-fulfillment and reject the occupation can develop this trend by strengthening their institutions, not only in the face of external dangers. It is possible that internal conflicts will always occur in societies, and for the survival of democratic societies, there must be at least self-protection, in order to curb attacks, capitalist exploitation and tyranny of power.

And I tell the guerrillas, too, if you are going to go up to the mountains and do not know how to fight, then you will die and be responsible for that alone. I have been fighting for peace for 15 years, even Gandhi did not, but as long as peace is not there then you must fight for your existence and your freedom, and if you do not, you will die. The goal should be to protect both. It is an existence war for the Kurdish people.

Every living organism has three basic requirements: food, protection and reproduction. Even lifeless creatures have a protection system, and even when we analyze an atom, you will see that it has such properties, so I say again. Self-protection is of utmost importance, This is a scientific condition, science confirms that. So I say this.

In my 125-page case I mentioned that. I'm talking about the rose theory, that sprouts thorns in order to defend itself. The rose and any other plant defend itself. Looking at nature is enough for one to realize the importance of self-protection. Do we not have the right to be protected as much as a rose? it is sacred. I remember; When I was young, there was an old man in our village, "We are dry old men," and I used to say, "How is it possible?" A tree can roots in a rock, can't we do that? In my arguments, I spoke in depth about the issue of self-protection.

The PKK has young and old men, they are matured and more powerful than before. Turkey suffers from major problems related to unemployment and hunger, and this matter poses a danger, then you must protect yourself, and find your own solutions. I am not saying that the only way here is war. There may be other solutions. We must realize this, and I said earlier that if the PKK does not take its decisions by itself, does not develop its solutions, does not resist against liquidation, and does not protect itself, then I will say that the PKK is a simple and ordinary party. "

It is possible to proceed to the stage of bilateral confrontations. If such a will appears, the Kurdish community can act accordingly, but I also say this, "No one will extend his neck on his own and wait for the slaughter." The right to self-defense must be adhered to, and this is a universal right.

To survive; You must protect yourself, and every living creature must protect itself. The same is true of all animals and plants. I have talked about this previously, I talked about the 'theory of the rose', the rose protects itself by its thorns, we must realize this matter, and when this is done through legal, economic and diplomatic means, then democratic self-management will be realized on its own, and democratic self-management can It is realized on four basic grounds: self-protection, law, economics and diplomacy.

During the last negotiations I spoke about the stages of the revolution, which is why I am talking about those stages. When the stages of the revolution start, they get out of control, no one can control them, and now is there a similar danger in Turkey? Yes there is.

For example, when I look at the last things, if it were up to me, I would not have gone to places that resemble castles and places that have advanced technologies, and did not present all these losses. I would have taken a different approach. If I was outside, I would have gone to places like Judy and carry out fruitful activities. It might be dangerous, but a big victory could be achieved. Either I was going to be completely victorious or I would have finished completely!, The topic must not be misunderstood I am not asking anyone to escalate the war. I am talking about a point of view, trying to point out danger.

Donkshot attacks targeting fortified outposts such as castles will eliminate the PKK. It is not possible to resort to such forms of activity, and if you are going to fight, you must fight properly. Do not put people in danger for no reason. For example, there are the people of Wan, you should all fight together.

To carry out an all-out war in the cities, for the people in Qandil to fight with the guerrillas, I do not know how long this will last, a month or three months, but if you manage to do that, and if you are ready for that, then you will decide.

The important thing is to evaluate the stage well, and during this period the guerrillas will move away from attacks against the outposts, and if they are not forced, they will not carry out the attacks with mines, but as I noted, if they came to destroy you, and there was no other way, then you will definitely do All necessary to defend yourselves.

For example; If you are trapped in an area in Judy, you can do everything. In short, you must defend yourselves.

Recent developments indicate the possibility of entering into a new phase of confrontations, and if the Kurdish community system decides to continue the war, it must be a "revolutionary war," and the revolutionary war has special methods, forms, and arts. If you are going to go to war, you must never go back to killing a policeman or two and flee, to shoot a few shots at a police station. This is not a revolutionary war method. The revolutionary war, for example, is to take with you thousands and tens of thousands of people in Gulmerg or Amid, and fight together. To organize yourselves as a network everywhere and become in control, and based on this control an organized war is fought.

I tell Qandil: If the state turns toward you, you must defend yourselves, and as long as you are not attacked, you must maintain your defense posture. Not all soldiers are always in the same position, and some may want to attack, and others may not want to. You must be vigilant about soldiers who do not want war and do nothing against them, but defend yourselves and exercise your right to retaliation, and if arrests occur, The Kurdish community system can exercise its right to retaliate and may make arrests as well.

If the war starts, it will be a very different war from the previous wars, and it could be a big and internal war, and if Qandil can do that, then the people's revolutionary war will be great, and 80 percent of the people of Amad and Ayla will rise up, and it will be a popular war. We are not advocates of war, and instead of war we are primarily committed to resistance. War is a different matter, if they want war, the history of war in the world is known and so are its tactics known. There is a legacy of war.
