facing facts- You can't just bury your head in the sand

facing facts- You can't just bury your head in the sand
4 May 2021   03:33

Luqman Ahme- Kurdistan Green Party

It normal to have a stance when a friendly entity of your undergoes an aggression, this is well known in the international relations and all organizations.

The idea here is that when supporters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party take to the streets against the Turkish policies and in a Kurdish region some say what ail us, but when a state undergo an aggression friendly countries and organizations adopt a stance. 

Friends and the strength of any entity or organization is established in the reaction given when this undergo an attack that is all under supervision while giving a blind eye to that leads to false interpretations.

Or all these facts and ideas change when the topic under discussion is Kurdish, nay, it should not, for the enemy to know the strength and the influence of such an entity or popular organization and the extent of damage caused by that to which Kurds are in dire need.

The idea that puts demonstrations ought to be held in Europe alone, some would say that in your own country you have got an enough space why you do not do that, and go to a distance space, this express the position of the people in the space close to the spot where the event takes place and the extent of it's effectiveness, taken that any demonstration held at any remote or isolated area would reach the whole world due to the advanced technology. 

If some believe that demonstrations and resistance are of no avail, it was demonstrations and protests at home and abroad that pushed many countries to break their silence in reference to the Turkish Aggression on Sere Kaniye /Ras al-Ain and Gire Spi / Tal Abyad.

Since areas of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria are liberated from tyranny and terror and have riles and laws regulate all aspects of life and politics then every supporter has the right to express the body to organize any activity in support or in rejection, according to the laws adopted by the administration, based on the freedom of expression article adopted in the seven regions of the North and East Syria. This is being done by supporters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party that is, they behave in accordance with rules regulating political life taking into account the mass numbers of the party's supporters in it's fight for attaining the freedom of the Kurdish people and others.

This is something normal, due to the sacrifices made by the party in the fight against ISIS at a time Turkey used to support and give life to ISIS.

Then, all demonstrations held in the North Eastern Syria against the Turkish Aggression on Kurdistan Workers' Party and Southern Kurdistan and regions of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria are taken for granted facts, you ought to back your friends at times of grave needs.

But some want us to adopt the ostrich policy of hiding it's head in the sand.